Uploading/Downloading files - Ruby On Rails system


Solution 1

You should look at Paperclip gem https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip

It is very easy to use and allows to upload files.

Solution 2

Look at Paperclip. It does a lot of the heavs lifting for you: https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip

Solution 3

As they said look at paperclip. I just did a app that allows the users to upload and delete files. To get started with paperclip use http://railscasts.com/episodes/134-paperclip

To download files after uploading them with paperclip. I did the following in the controller

def download
upload = Upload.find(params[:id])
send_file upload.uploaded.path,
            :filename => upload.uploaded_file_name,
            :type => upload.uploaded_content_type,
            :disposition => 'attachment'
flash[:notice] = "Your file has been downloaded"


My sample file upload app should be of help https://github.com/skillachie/File-Upload-App Need to fix a few things , but the ability to upload and download files is completely functional.

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I'm attempting to create a simple file hosting system using Ruby On Rails - I have a large ammount of the system setup (including the registration of new files, and stuff) however I've realised there is a bit of a problem - I'm unsure how to actually get it so that users can upload and download files. I assume I'd need some kind of file_link attribute for my file object, but how would people upload and download files to/from the server?

    Also (this may be a slightly different topic) - but how would I get the file information such as file size and name (as I need them for the upload)?

    Sorry for all my questions - I've don't really deal with file handling a lot so am new to the area.

    Thanks In Advance,



  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    Ok - Thanks :D Just got everything setup with Paperclip. The issue is that with image files the Download link just views the file (and I can imagine that with PDF files they would just open with Adobe Reader) - is there any way I can MAKE the link be for a download?
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    Ok - Thanks :D Just got everything setup with Paperclip. The issue is that with image files the Download link just views the file (and I can imagine that with PDF files they would just open with Adobe Reader) - is there any way I can MAKE the link be for a download?
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    Yes, you have to use send_file '/home/railsway/downloads/huge.zip', :type=>"application/zip" in your action to send the file instead of displaying it
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    Obviously change the link to be your file, and the right type. So you need to call an action with the id of your uploaded file and then send it using send_file
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    I recommend you read this article to get a better understanding. therailsway.com/2009/2/22/file-downloads-done-right
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    I changed my link to: <%= link_to 'Download', :action => :download, :path =>@file_record.data.url, :type => @file_record.data_content_type %> and used the def from "therailsway" in my controller. The problem is that it takes me to this URL:‌​/8/Joe.png%3F1297359‌​980&type=image/png and brings this error: Couldn't find FileRecord with ID=download. I think this is due to my routes which make /file_record/id go the the files ID. Please help..
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    Why dont you pass only the id <%= link_to 'Download', :action => :download, :id =>@file_record.id %> And then you get the object in the controller with find, and send it.
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    fileRecord = FileRecord.find(params[:id]) The rest is the same as you have
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    Now I get: Cannot read file ../download/8/Joe.png?1297359980. I assume this is because I've set my paperclip path to ../download/:id/whateverelse (as the download link is in /files in the URL and I want /download to just come from the URL). I have tried changing my paperclip URL to /download/:id/:basename.:extension but it just has the same error (but without the ../). I'm unsure as to why this is and can't seem to fix it.. (Please note, my path is set to ":rails_root/public/download/:id/:basename.:extension")
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    I suppose you are using the database to store your file informations, so when you call send_file you can provide it with the absolute path on your server such as RAILS_ROOT + "/public/download/" + @file_record.file_name file_name, must be the name on disk. Try it with a static absolute path, and then modify accordingly to be dynamic.
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    Ok - Thanks :D I've now got it downloading the files correctly, however there is a HUGE problem. Whenever the download button is clicked, Google Chrome (The browser I'm using for testing) downloads a .crdownload file and then takes about a minute to convert it into the proper file downloaded - do you know why this is?
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    are you sure that the :type=>"application/SOME_TYPE" parameter is correct for your type of file it should be the type stored file_content_type ... i noticed that for Images, it sets it to octet-stream , maybe try png or jpg depending on your file (:type => 'image/jpeg')
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    I've just tried this - however it still has this weird issue. You have to wait about a minute or two before it actually turns into the correct file.. (Until then it just stays as a .crdownload file). Please help, this is a huge issue in my system (I need downloads to be as fast as possible).
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    it seems like a "Feature" of chrome that you can remove. Look at this thread. google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/… Did you try with another browser ? Firefox for example ?
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    Firefox downloads the file - but when I try to view it, it doesn't open as when trying to open it the file is "unsupported or corrupt". The file is exactly 1 byte (which is incorrect as the actual file is larger) - this is the same thing that happened with Chrome (apart that chrome fixed the file in the end).
  • Rafal
    Rafal about 13 years
    Are you using Rails 3 ?? There is an answer to this question in another thread. stackoverflow.com/questions/3724853/… The problem is that you need to set send_file ...., :x_sendfile=>false Try that and read the answer, it might give you a path to your solution
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    I actually had :x_sendfile => true in my code, changing it to false fixes it. I was told to set it to false to enable downloads with multithreads (and I was told that downloads would be slow otherwise).
  • Ayman Salah
    Ayman Salah over 8 years
    Will this work if I have my website on heroku? How much data will I be able to upload?