using touch() to update timestamp of custom timestamp field in laravel


Solution 1

No, the touch method isn't written for updating anything other than the built in timestamps, but you could write your own function in your User Model, if you want to. Something like this

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {

    public function touchOnline()
        $this->is_online = $this->freshTimestamp();
        return $this->save();

and then do replace your old code with


A few more lines of code, but maybe a slight bit more readable.

You can find the code behind the touch function here, if you're curious.

Solution 2

Laravel 4.2

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface
    public static function boot()
        static::creating(function($table) {
            $table->foo = 'Bar';
        static::updating(function($table) {
            $table->is_online = $this->freshTimestamp();
            // $table->something_else = 'The thing';

Usage. Just call the native touch method.

Author by


I'll try something if it dosen't works I'll try something else but I'll keep on trying...

Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Ronser
    Ronser almost 2 years

    Is there a way to use touch() for updating timestamp of is_online field in table instead of updating created_at field in laravel Eloquent ORM

    At present I am using

    User::where('id',$senderId )->update(array('is_online' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
  • Arvid
    Arvid over 9 years
    No, if anything I'd guess probably slower. But then again touch is probably also slower than updating the created_at or updated_at manually in the same way you're doing.
  • Arvid
    Arvid over 9 years
    But the main reason we're using Laravel isn't speed (there are far speedier frameworks) - it's probably readability and ease of use. And in that respect I think my proposition is better. But if you're doing the update really often I understand if you want to go the more raw way :)
  • Arvid
    Arvid over 8 years
    You should be aware the touch() call will also update the updated_at column. And, more importantly, the updating event listener introduced will also refresh the is_online anytime the model is updated for some reason. When it's triggered by the user editing her details that's probably fine, but if the update is because the admin is editing the a user it is probably undesired behavior.
  • Everton Z. P.
    Everton Z. P. over 7 years
    @Arvid Well noted! Maybe we can do some verification before call User::find($senderId)->touch();, for example not execute when the admin is editing or something like that.