ValueError: matrices are not aligned


Solution 1

You have a matrix lhs of shape (1, 18209) and rhs of shape (1, 1) and you are trying to multiply them. Since they're of matrix type (as it seems from the stack trace), the * operator translates to dot. Matrix product is defined only for the cases where the number of columns in the first matrix and the number of rows in the second one are equal, and in your case they're not (18209 and 1). Hence the error.

How to fix it: check the maths behind the code and fix the formula. Perhaps you forgot to transpose the first matrix or something like that.

Solution 2

vectors' shape on numpy lib are like (3,). when you try to multiply them with,b) func it gives dim error. np.outer(a,b) func should be used at this point.


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Updated on October 24, 2020


  • leonsas
    leonsas over 3 years

    I have the following code:

    dotp =[i], w)
    mult = -Y[i] * dotp
    lhs = Y[i] * X[i]
    rhs = logistic(mult)
    s += lhs * rhs

    And it throws me the following error (truncated for brevity):

      File "/Users/leonsas/Projects/temp/learners/", line 26, in log_likelihood_grad
        s += lhs * rhs
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/matrixlib/", line 341, in __mul__
        return, asmatrix(other))
     `ValueError: matrices are not aligned`

    I was expecting lhs to be a column vector and rhs to be a scalar and so that operation should work. To debug, I printed out the dimensions:

        print "lhs", np.shape(lhs)
        print  "rhs", rhs, np.shape(rhs)

    Which outputs:

    lhs (1, 18209)
    rhs [[ 0.5]] (1, 1)

    So it seems that they are compatible for a multiplication. Any thoughts as to what am I doing wrong?

    EDIT: More information of what I'm trying to do.

    This code is to implement a log-likehood gradient to estimate coefficients.

    enter image description here

    Where z is the dot product of the weights with the x values.

    My attempt at implementing this:

    def log_likelihood_grad(X, Y, w, C=0.1):
        K = len(w)
        N = len(X)
        s = np.zeros(K)
        for i in range(N):
            dotp =[i], w)
            mult = -Y[i] * dotp
            lhs = Y[i] * X[i]
            rhs = logistic(mult)
            s += lhs * rhs
        s -= C * w
        return s
  • leonsas
    leonsas over 9 years
    I tried to reproduce the above with: a = np.random.uniform(0,10,(1,10)); b = np.array([[0.5]]); a * b; and it does work, so I guess numpy assumes, in this case, that the (1,1) matrix is scalar. Why doesn't this happen above as well?
  • fjarri
    fjarri over 9 years
    There are ndarray and matrix types in numpy. There are differences between them, in particular * translates to elementwise multiplication for arrays and to dot for matrices. Do print type(lhs), type(rhs) to check what you have. In your question you can see in the stack trace that dot gets called, so I assumed you had matrix objects. In this test you get ndarray objects, which results in broadcasted multiplication, for which the shapes are ok.
  • leonsas
    leonsas over 9 years
    Both are type matrix. I changed the flawed line to s += lhs * np.float64(rhs) hoping it'll work, and it does work until it throws: ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (18209) doesn't match the broadcast shape (1,18209). Thoughts? (This might be getting off-topic)
  • fjarri
    fjarri over 9 years
    If you want to convert matrices to arrays, use numpy.asarray. numpy.float64 just converts your 1x1 matrix to a scalar.
