what is the 'cons' to add an item to the end of the list?


Solution 1

You could use append, but beware that it can lead to bad performance if used in a loop or on very long lists.

(append '(1 2 3) (list (+ 2 2)))

If performance is important, the usual idiom is building lists by prepending (using cons), then reverse (or nreverse).

Solution 2

If the "cons at the front, finish by reversing" idiom isn't suitable for you (if you. for example, need to pass the list on to other functions DURING its construction), there's also the "keep track of the end" trick. However, it's probably cleaner to just build the list by consing to the front of it, then finish by using reverse or nreverse before finally using it.

In essence, this allows you to have the list in the right order while building it, at the expense of needing to keep track of it.

(defun track-tail (count)
  (let* ((list (cons 0 nil))
         (tail list))
    (loop for n from 1 below count
       do (progn
        (setf (cdr tail) (cons n nil))
        (setf tail (cdr tail))
        (format t "With n == ~d, the list is ~a~%" n list)))

This gives the following output:

CL-USER> (track-tail 5)
With n == 1, the list is (0 1)
With n == 2, the list is (0 1 2)
With n == 3, the list is (0 1 2 3)
With n == 4, the list is (0 1 2 3 4)
(0 1 2 3 4)

Solution 3

You haven't specified the kind of Lisp, so if you use Emacs Lisp and dash list manipulation library, it has a function -snoc that returns a new list with the element added to the end. The name is reversed "cons".

(-snoc '(1 2) 3) ; (1 2 3)

Solution 4

You can also use nconc to create the list, which is like append, only it modifies the structure of the input lists.

(nconc nlist (list (+ 2 2)))

Solution 5

This function might be useful in some situations, it transparently appends a single element to a list, i.e. it modifies the list but returns the appended element (enclosed in a list):

(defun attach1 (lst x)
  (setf (cdr (last lst)) (cons x nil)))

;; (attach1 nlist (+ 2 2)) ; append without wrapping element to be added in a list
Author by


Updated on January 31, 2021


  • Admin
    Admin about 3 years

    what's the typical way to add an item to the end of the list?

    I have a list (1 2 3) and want to add 4 to it (where 4 is the result of an evaluation (+ 2 2))

    (setf nlist '(1 2 3))  
    (append nlist (+ 2 2))  

    This says that append expects a list, not a number. How would I accomplish this?

  • Rainer Joswig
    Rainer Joswig about 12 years
    In Common Lisp use NCONC only if nlist is a consed list, not literal data.
  • Rainer Joswig
    Rainer Joswig about 12 years
    That's similar to NCONC. (nconc lst (list x)).
  • mmj
    mmj about 12 years
    No it's different from NCONC; with this ATTACH1 function you don't need to (and you must not) enclose the element to be added in a list.
  • Rainer Joswig
    Rainer Joswig about 12 years
    (setf (cdr (last lst)) (cons x nil)) = (nconc lst (cons x nil)) = (nconc lst (list x))
  • mmj
    mmj about 12 years
    We have different ideas of 'similar'. For me two functions that need different type of arguments (atom vs. list) are not similar, whereas they are for you. Anyway, regardless of enclosing in a list the element to append, I agree with you.
  • Saurabh
    Saurabh over 11 years
    Probably better not to suggest NCONC to a beginner at all.
  • Will Ness
    Will Ness over 11 years
    this has a drawback of traversing a list twice - first with copy-list, second with last. Better to modify the track-trail from Vatine's answer.
  • Will Ness
    Will Ness almost 11 years
    I think this technique is much preferable to reverse building and reversing. We can also provide a special tracking data type (cons list last_cons_cell) and special functions using it for addition at end like (defun eadd (elt ls) (rplacd (cdr ls) (list elt)) (rplacd ls (cddr ls)) ls) etc.
  • Faré
    Faré over 8 years
    NEVER, EVER use NCONC. Its side-effect will come bite you in the ass. And it's not even asymptotically less complex than APPEND.
  • Trey Jackson
    Trey Jackson over 8 years
    @Faré Never, ever make absolute statements.
  • danlei
    danlei about 7 years
    Usually, consing and reversing is fine. If you have many long lists and the reversing becomes a performance problem, use a different data structure or keep a pointer to the end of the list manually. (There are a few suggestions in the other answers.)
  • gsl
    gsl over 3 years
    "Never, ever make absolute statements." Nice and recursive.