What is the maximum amount of RAM that Ubuntu 32 Bit supports?


Yes, 32-bit Ubuntu can now utilize more than 4Gb RAM through the use of PAE. To check if your computer supports PAE, run this command in terminal:

grep --color=always -i PAE /proc/cpuinfo

However, it is often recommended to use 64-bit Ubuntu to get the full benefits of using the 64-bit architecture. It should be noted that there is no "Virtual Address Extension", which means that applications still get the same amount of virtual memory since the virtual addresses are still 32 bits while the physical addresses are 36 bits. Therefore PAE is not at all equivalent to a 64 bit system.

To read more about the 32-bit versus the 64-bit architectures, I check out the following pages:

Since you're running only Windows currently, I don't know how you can check if your hardware supports PAE.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • indago
    indago over 1 year

    I have several child forms but they have one common methods in them, get_CurrentClamp(). i want to call the method of the current active mdichild from the MDI parent.

    This is the onclick event of a menuitem in the MDIparent form MDIMain.cs that should call the method.

     private void mnugetCToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (MdiChildren.Any())
                    Form f = this.ActiveMdiChild;            

    In the child form frmDashboard.cs

    public void get_CurrentClamp(float curThreshhold=5.5)

    But i keep getting an error, any where am going wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    the error a getting is this

    Error 3 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' does not contain a definition for 'get_CurrentClamp' and no extension method 'get_CurrentClamp' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Thats the error am getting on the mdiparent form.

    • Admin
      Admin over 9 years
      are you getting get_CurrentClamp not found?
    • Idle_Mind
      Idle_Mind over 9 years
      You're casting to the standard Form type, which of course doesn't have a method called get_CurrentClamp(). You could use Reflection to get the method and invoke it. A better solution would be to make all your child forms implement an Interface that includes that method; then you can cast to the Interface and call the method...
    • indago
      indago over 9 years
      @MarkHall , i have added the error message to the question
    • Idle_Mind
      Idle_Mind over 9 years
      Your error message confirms what everyone already knew. See my comment. Are you going to solve with Reflection or an Interface? Edit with details if you get stuck on the implementation...
  • japzone
    japzone about 11 years
    I looked up the processor, it's 64-bit compliant and came out in early 2012. It probably shipped with Win7 64-bit installed. I have no doubt it supports PAE but I'd recommend just installing Ubuntu 64-bit so you can take full advantage of the CPU's abilities. From my experience 32-bit PAE doesn't improve things much, especially on a 64-bit processor. For more about the CPU check out the Intel Ark page here: ark.intel.com/products/64621/…
  • Frederik Spang
    Frederik Spang about 11 years
    This might work for something: superuser.com/questions/320992/…