Youtube iframes in Bootstrap Carousel - stop video on slide


I ended up using the callPlayer function here (which didn't require using the youtube API at all):

YouTube iframe API: how do I control a iframe player that's already in the HTML?

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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • scientiffic
    scientiffic almost 2 years

    I have a bunch of Carousels on a page, each with a mix of videos and images. I'd like to stop Youtube videos from playing when the user exits a video by clicking one of the carousel controls (left or right).

    I'd like to be able to detect when the user clicks the controls, create a player based on the current video that was playing, and turn that video off. In the other examples I've seen, the players were declared in the onYoutubeIframeAPIReady function, but I thought it would be better not to dynamically create players for every video on the page. Right now, I'm getting the error

    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<T> has no method 'stopVideo' 

    when I click the carousel controls. However, if I type


    in the Chrome javascript console, it works fine. What am I doing wrong?

      var youtubeReady = false;
      function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){
        youtubeReady = true;
      $('.carousel').on('slide', function(){
          console.log("setting player");
          var iframeID = $(this).find('.active').find('iframe').attr("id");
          player = new YT.Player(iframeID); 

    Example carousel:

    <div class="mainPhoto carousel slide 523" id="carousel-523">
              <div class="carousel-inner 523">
              <div class="item active">
                 <div class="flex-video">
                     <a class="fancybox" href=";enablejsapi=1" rel="gallery 523" data-fancybox-type="iframe">
                         <iframe src=";enablejsapi=1" id="1188">
            <div class="item">
                 <a class="fancybox" href="" rel="gallery 523" data-fancybox-type="image">
                     <img alt="Preview_2013-07-05_19.47.55" id="1189" src="" width="100%">
                <a class="carousel-control left" href="#carousel-523" data-slide="prev" style="display: none;">‹</a>
                <a class="carousel-control right" href="#carousel-523" data-slide="next" style="display: none;">›</a>