1D Gaussian filter horizontally and vertically


A convolution with 2D Gaussian can be performed with two 1D Gaussians as:


You can do this in MATLAB as follows:


yourFilterSize=[3 5] %3 rows, 5 columns, can be anything

%two 1D Gaussians
g_x=fspecial('gaussian',[1 yourFilterSize(2)]);
g_y=fspecial('gaussian',[yourFilterSize(1) 1]);

%applying 1D gaussian in X-direction to the original image

%applying 1D gaussian in Y-direction to img_X
img_XY=imfilter(img_X,g_y);  %DONE

%verifying that the result is correct
max(max(abs(img_XY-img_XY2D)))  %this should be very small, 
                                %of the order of machine precision
                                %for the result to be correct

Additional reading:

  1. This answer on Stackoverflow.com which shows you how to determine whether a given kernel is separable. For example, Gaussian is separable, while the disk kernel is not.
  2. Original article for above mentioned issue.

Why would you prefer two 1D convolutions instead of one 2D convolution (also given in the link 2 mentioned above):

Suppose you have an image of size MxN and a filter of size PxQ then for a 2D convolution, you need ~ M*P*N*Q multiplications and additions. For two 1D filters (of size P and Q), you only need ~ MNP+MNQ = MN(P+Q) operations. Therefore, you get a speedup of the order of PQ/(P+Q).

Author by


Student in UWO , ... need some help from lovely people in this website :D

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • seereen
    seereen almost 2 years

    I am trying to generate Gaussian filter that can be applied on the images, but I want to apply it 1D twice: horizontally and vertically. In addition, I want to apply it to each planes separately.

    That mean I want to design 1D Gaussian filter to apply it horizontally in Red, Green, Blue component, then I have the same 1D Gaussian filter to apply it vertically in Red, Green, Blue component.

    And I think this operation should equal applying 2D Gaussian filter on the original color image.

    I am new in Matlab and in image processing filter.

  • seereen
    seereen over 9 years
    Thanks Parag S. Chandakkar for your help ... I have question, why you select [ 3 3] ? .... how can determine the size here?
  • Autonomous
    Autonomous over 9 years
    That's just an example. Please check the updated answer. If you find the answer helpful, please accept it by clicking the check mark on the left hand side.