'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'


Solution 1

As I mentioned in a comment, and Xan stated an answer, the error makes it clear that the result of document.querySelectorAll(".no")[2] does not evaluate to a Node.

From the information you provided in a comment, it is clear that the issue is that the node you desire to observe does not exist when your code executes. There are many ways to delay the execution of your code until that node is available. Some possibilities are:

  1. Using a setTimeout loop to poll until you detect that the element on which you want to put the MutationObserver is available:

    function addObserverIfDesiredNodeAvailable() {
        var composeBox = document.querySelectorAll(".no")[2];
        if(!composeBox) {
            //The node we need does not exist yet.
            //Wait 500ms and try again
        var config = {childList: true};

    This will find the appropriate node relatively shortly after it exists in the DOM. The viability of this method depends on how long after the insertion of the target node do you need the observer to be placed on it. Obviously, you can adjust the delay between polling attempts based on your needs.

  2. Create another MutationObserver to watch an ancestor node higher in the DOM for the insertion of the node on which you want to place your primary observer. While this will find the appropriate node immediately when it is inserted, it may be quite resource (CPU) intensive, depending on how high in the DOM you have to observe and how much activity there is with respect to DOM changes.

Solution 2

Try to use this with jQuery.

If you are developing a Chrome Extension and you are getting HTML element(Node) from the page or DOM in the content_script, then you will get Object and Node will be returned as property of the Object. You can then get Node from the Object to pass into observe(Node,config) method.


var node = $("#elementId");  //this is wrong because if you logged this in the console you will get Object

var node = $("#elementId")[0];  //This gives the first property of the Object returned, and this is correct because if you logged this in the console you will get the Node element for which you want to detect changes in the DOM.

Solution 3

This error means that document.querySelectorAll(".no")[2] is not a Node.

Most likely this means there isn't such an element; querySelectorAll will always return a NodeList, even if it's empty; accessing non-existent members of the list succeeds without a runtime error, but returns undefined: in this sense, NodeList acts like an array.

"Wait, but it does! I run this code in the console and it works!" you may exclaim dramatically. That's because at the time you execute it, long after the document finishes loading, those elements exist.

So, you need to wait for this root element to be added; likely, with another MutationObserver to do the job.

geet mehar
Author by

geet mehar

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • geet mehar
    geet mehar almost 2 years

    I am creating a Chrome extension and trying to include a small text beside the SEND button of the gMail compose box.

    I am using a MutationObserver to know when the compose box window appears. I am doing this by observing an element with class no since the compose box element is created as child of this element (class no).

    When the user clicks on the compose button and the compose box window appears, then I place an element beside the SEND button using the .after() method. SEND button class name is .gU.Up.

    These are the real class names of gMail and pretty weird too.

    Below is the code I am using:

    var composeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){ 
                $(".gU.Up").after("<td> <div> Hi </div> </td>");
    var composeBox = document.querySelectorAll(".no")[2];
    var config = {childList: true};

    The problem is that I constantly get following error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'

    Can anyone help? I have tried quite a few things and also looked at other answers here, but still am unable to get rid of this error.

    Here is my manifest.json file:

        "manifest_version": 2,
        "name": "Gmail Extension",
        "version": "1.0",
        "browser_action": {
            "default_icon": "icon19.png",   
            "default_title": "Sales Analytics Sellulose"    
        "background": {
            "scripts": ["eventPage.js"],
            "persistent": false
        "content_scripts": [
            "matches": ["https://mail.google.com/*"],
            "js": ["jquery-3.1.1.js", "insQ.min.js", "gmail_cs.js"]

    P.S. I have already tried the insertionquery library, but it has a few shortcomings. It doesn't let me be specific as to the changes in the specific element. I am yet to try the mutationsummary library, but since it uses MutationObserver, I figured the issue will persist.

    Added from comment:
    It is true that the selector is not giving me a node. I checked in the console, it's giving a object. I also checked in the console and it's selecting the appropriate element that I want to be observed.

    However, when I add console.log for the element selected, it's showing as undefined. Which means, you are probably right about code executing prior to nodes coming into existence. Can you tell me how to make sure the delay happens? will 'setTimeout' work? How does it work in case of MutationObserver?

  • geet mehar
    geet mehar over 7 years
    Alright.. I tried 1st and 2nd way but not 3rd yet. 1st - I think you meant document_end since document_idle is the default state of "run_at" but anyway. Using 'document_end' the entire content script is not getting executed. 2nd - It worked but I have an issue now since I am adding an element beside SEND button, I use '$(".SendButtonClass").after()' . Issue is if i open one more compose box then '$(".SendButtonClass").after()' is executed twice for first compose box as well. Thanks for the help so far.
  • geet mehar
    geet mehar over 7 years
    Just to let you know: I came up with another solution to add element beside SEND button without using observer. I am watching compose button for a click and adding a callback along with setTimeout to make the desired change.
  • Makyen
    Makyen over 7 years
    @geetmehar, I should not have included #1 (now removed). I was miss-remembering the default as document_end when the default is actually document_idle. Thus, that suggestion was useless. Sorry for wasting your time on it. Using document_end should not have prevented your script from running, unless there was some other dependency which threw an error elsewhere. To diagnose the new issue you report I will need to see more code, and it really should be a new question (link to this one for context. (continued)
  • Makyen
    Makyen over 7 years
    @geetmehar, (continued) The brief description of the problem sounds like an event listener is being added too many times (or at least that is the beginning of the typical pattern for such). Other solutions than MutationObservers are often better. What is most appropriate depends on your code, what you are trying to do and the page on which you are doing it. It is hard to comment as to which is better without seeing all the code. However, I would normally lean to not using a MutationObserver unless necessary due to them having a tendency to be CPU intensive.
  • geet mehar
    geet mehar over 7 years
    Many thanks @Makyen for helping me out. I eventually used mutationobserver as it was easy to pick on current addednode through it. I didn't want previously added nodes to be changed when I do something inside it. I don't think new question would be necessary as I sorted it out. I wish we were in same place, we could catch up for a beer :)
  • geet mehar
    geet mehar over 7 years
    Thanks @Xan for helping me out, you were right about the issue and I have sorted it out now using 'setTimeout' suggested by Makyen in the other answer. FYI: I didn't use another mutationobserver since it is resource intensive eventhough better than mutationevents but I think definitely more than setTimeout. Thanks again.
  • oldboy
    oldboy over 4 years
    is it possible to observe an {} for changes with MutationObserver??
  • Makyen
    Makyen over 4 years
    @oldboy No, it's not possible to use MutationObserver to watch for changes in an Object.
  • oldboy
    oldboy over 4 years
    do u know of any way to do this other than constant polling?
  • Will Belden
    Will Belden over 2 years
    While that could help, depending on how the observed element is loaded/created, it still might not be available. (Ask me how I know.)
  • S. W. G.
    S. W. G. about 2 years
    in firefox I can observer (listen) for a missing ID, when created the observer triggers. In chrome it gives an error if said ID is missing at the time I create the observer, to write compatible code, is it possible to observer <body> and then narrow to only newly added ID of my interest?