ActiveRecord OR query


Solution 1

Use ARel

t = Post.arel_table

results = Post.where(

The resulting SQL:

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > puts Post.where(t[:author].eq("Someone").or(t[:title].matches("%something%"))).to_sql
SELECT     "posts".* FROM       "posts"  WHERE     (("posts"."author" = 'Someone' OR "posts"."title" LIKE '%something%'))

Solution 2

If you want to use an OR operator on one column's value, you can pass an array to .where and ActiveRecord will use IN(value,other_value):

Model.where(:column => ["value", "other_value"]


SELECT `table_name`.* FROM `table_name` WHERE `table_name`.`column` IN ('value', 'other_value')

This should achieve the equivalent of an OR on a single column

Solution 3

in Rails 3, it should be

Model.where("column = ? or other_column = ?", value, other_value)

This also includes raw sql but I dont think there is a way in ActiveRecord to do OR operation. Your question is not a noob question.

Rails 5 added or, so this is easier now in an app with Rails version greater than 5:

Model.where(column: value).or(Model.where(other_column: other_value)

this handles nil values as well

Solution 4

An updated version of Rails/ActiveRecord may support this syntax natively. It would look similar to:

Foo.where(foo: 'bar').or.where(bar: 'bar')

As noted in this pull request

For now, simply sticking with the following works great:

Foo.where('foo= ? OR bar= ?', 'bar', 'bar')

Update: According to the or feature will be available in Rails 5

Update: Feature has been merged to Rails 5 branch

Solution 5

Rails has recently added this into ActiveRecord. It looks to be released in Rails 5. Committed to master already:

Post.where(column: 'something').or(Post.where(other: 'else'))

# => SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (column = 'something') OR (other = 'else)

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Updated on July 08, 2022


  • pho3nixf1re
    pho3nixf1re almost 2 years

    How do you do an OR query in Rails 3 ActiveRecord. All the examples I find just have AND queries.

    Edit: OR method is available since Rails 5. See ActiveRecord::QueryMethods

    • ryan0
      ryan0 over 10 years
      Learn SQL. ActiveRecord makes it easy to get things working, but you still need to know what your queries are doing, otherwise your project may not scale. I also thought I could get by without ever having to deal with SQL, and I was very wrong about that.
    • rubyprince
      rubyprince about 10 years
      @ryan0, you are so right. We may use fancy gems and other things, but we should be aware of what these gems are doing inside and what the underlying technology is, and maybe use the underlying technologies without the help of the gem, if need may arise, for the sake of performance. Gems are created with a specific number of usecases in mind, but there may be situations where one of the usecase in our project might be different.
    • potashin
      potashin about 8 years
    • Philipp Claßen
      Philipp Claßen over 7 years
      Since Rails 5, IMHO the accepted answer should be Greg Olsen version: Post.where(column: 'something').or(Post.where(other: 'else'))
    • iNulty
      iNulty about 7 years
      This question has a tag of ruby-on-rails-3. Why would the accepted answer relate only to Rails 5?
  • pho3nixf1re
    pho3nixf1re over 13 years
    Feels a little messy, but at least I'm not writing sql, which just feels wrong! I'm going to have to look into using Arel more.
  • pho3nixf1re
    pho3nixf1re over 13 years
    This is more the syntax for Rails 2, and it requires me to write at least portion of a sql string.
  • shuitian
    shuitian over 13 years
    The great thing is that you don't have to do it all at once, you can build up queries and it won't actually hit the database until you actually need the data. This example was just combined for brevity.
  • Macario
    Macario about 13 years
    I can't beleave how much more elegant Sequel is
  • jibiel
    jibiel over 12 years
    Even if there's raw sql — this statement looks much clearer for me than Arel. Maybe even DRYer.
  • rubyprince
    rubyprince over 11 years
    if you need to chain, other table joins which might have the columns with same column names, you should use it like this, Page.where("pages.column = ? or pages.other_column = ?", value, other_value)
  • koonse
    koonse over 11 years
    this is the cleanest most "rails way" answer, should have been accepted
  • deadkarma
    deadkarma about 11 years
    Thanks @koonse, it's not exactly an 'OR' query, but it produces the same result for this situation.
  • Pratik Bothra
    Pratik Bothra about 11 years
  • fotanus
    fotanus about 10 years
    This solution is not a replacement for OR as you can't use two different columns this way.
  • Cameron Martin
    Cameron Martin about 10 years
    Or this: Order.where(query.where_values.inject(:or)) to use arel all the way.
  • DGM
    DGM about 10 years
    And that fails if the query aliases the tables. That's when arel shines.
  • Zeke Fast
    Zeke Fast over 9 years
    > OR queries with arrays as arguments in Rails 4. Useful link! Thanks!
  • rubyprince
    rubyprince over 9 years
    There is nothing wrong with SQL. The thing that can go wrong is how we build the SQL string namely SQL Injection. So, we will have to sanitize the user input before providing it to a SQL query that has to be run against the database. This will be handled by ORMs, and these have been handling the edge cases, that we tend to miss. So, it is always advisable to use ORM to create SQL queries.
  • amoebe
    amoebe over 9 years
    Another problem with SQL is that it's not database agnostic. For example matches will produce LIKE for sqlite (case insensitive by default) and ILIKE on postgres (needs explicit case insensitive like operator).
  • kvorobiev
    kvorobiev over 8 years
    Add some explanations to your answer
  • DannyB
    DannyB over 8 years
    I believe Matthew was referring to the activerecord_any_of gem which adds support for this syntax.
  • Toni Leigh
    Toni Leigh over 8 years
    SQL is however demonstrably faster, if you remove all that extra fluff and go straight for the DB then you'll be more performant - OK, you'll have to handle stuff like security and platforms yourself, but this trade-off will be considerable if you're dealing with massive tables or really frequent queries
  • rubyprince
    rubyprince about 8 years
    @ToniLeigh ActiveRecord is using SQL under the hood. It is just a syntax for writing SQL queries which handles SQL sanitization and make your queries DB agnostic. The only overhead is where Rails converts the syntax to SQL query. And it is just a matter of milliseconds. Ofcourse you should write the best performant SQL query and try to convert it to ActiveRecord syntax. If the SQL cannot be represented in ActiveRecord syntax, then you should go for plain SQL.
  • Toni Leigh
    Toni Leigh about 8 years
    a millisecond or two on something your doing 100 times a second is significant - it's an option, in unusual circumstances
  • Sebastialonso
    Sebastialonso almost 8 years
    If true, thanks @DannyB. The answer must explain its context.
  • El'Magnifico
    El'Magnifico about 7 years
    or is available now Rails 5 but not to implemented this way because it expects 1 argument to be passed. It expects an Arel object. See the accepted answer
  • Jeremy List
    Jeremy List almost 6 years
    The or method in ActiveRecord works if you're using it directly: but can break your expectations if it's used in a scope which is then chained.
  • courtsimas
    courtsimas over 5 years
    What @JeremyList said is spot on. That bit me hard.
  • rubyprince
    rubyprince over 3 years
    @ToniLeigh yeah, if you dont care about the benefits of the ORM, you can go full SQL. The issue is it will be complex to maintain, you will have to escape any user inputs (sanitize) everytime etc. It has some performance hit, but in my opinion is worth it.
  • Ganesh Sagare
    Ganesh Sagare about 3 years
    This solution will not work if you check columns which has nil value
  • rubyprince
    rubyprince almost 3 years
    @GaneshSagare yes, the sql query should be column IS NULL or other_column IS NULL in that case. I think Rails provide an intermediate method for getting sql fragments (where_clause something like that), let me dig it up. That might be useful here.