AD CS: Certificate Template not available


Solution 1

Solved! My server was not part of the RAS and IAS Servers security group..

Solution 2

You cannot request a computer certificate on a domain controller, you can only request the domain controller certificate and a couple others fyi


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • vishnu
    vishnu almost 2 years
     for subviews in self.profilescroll.subviews
            if ((subviews is UITextField) && (subviews.tag == 0))
                let btntext : UITextField = subviews as! UITextField
            if ((subviews is UITextField) && (subviews.tag == 1))
                let btntext : UITextField = subviews as! UITextField

    this is where i put tag to the textfield.

     for i in 0 ..< 2
                            btnbudget = UITextField()
                            btnbudget.frame = CGRect(x: (CGFloat(i) * (((screenWidth - 160)/2) + 40)) + 40, y: 0, width: (screenWidth - 160)/2, height: 50)
                            btnbudget.font = UIFont(name: "Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 18)
                            btnbudget.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0
                            btnbudget.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
                            btnbudget.layer.borderColor = UIColor(hexString:"4B45A0").cgColor
                            btnbudget.tag = i
                            btnbudget.backgroundColor = UIColor(hexString: "#00000000")
                            btnbudget.text = budgetlist.object(at: i) as? String
                            btnbudget.textColor = UIColor(hexString:"4B45A0")
                            btnbudget.textAlignment = .center
                            btnbudget.delegate = self

    where profilescroll is the view with 3 textfields in which i need to find textfield with tag values ranging from 0 to 1. but for some reason i am not getting the right one hence the keyboard is not returning.

    • Mathias R. Jessen
      Mathias R. Jessen about 11 years
      You write "done with the Administrator account". A Domain Administrator account won't be enough, you need to make sure that the account is member of the Enterprise Administrator group.
    • jaspher
      jaspher about 11 years
      @MathiasR.Jessen, thanks for your answer.. The account is already part of the Enterprise Admins security group.
    • Rakesha Shastri
      Rakesha Shastri almost 6 years
      Can you show the code where you set the tag for the textfields' ?
    • Chris
      Chris almost 6 years
      Are the text fields the immediate children of profileScroll? Is profileScroll a UIScrollView with a content view?
    • karthikeyan
      karthikeyan almost 6 years
      By default zero for every components. Did you set tag anywhere explicitly to your text field? where you are adding this budgetbtnview to scrollview
    • vishnu
      vishnu almost 6 years
      code edited yes i have explicitly set tags
    • vadian
      vadian almost 6 years
      You are discouraged from setting a zero tag explicitly because that's the default. Start with 10 or 100. And this is Swift: You can omit all parentheses around the if conditions: if subviews is UITextField && subviews.tag == 0 { ... is pretty valid syntax. And the plural form subviews for an actual single element is a bit confusing.
    • Andreas Oetjen
      Andreas Oetjen almost 6 years
      When you just want to dismiss the keyboard, why not simply use self.view.endEditing(true) ?
    • Chris
      Chris almost 6 years
      If using a Storyboard you could simply set an outlet to the text field.
  • chicks
    chicks over 8 years
    can you provide any evidence to back this up?
  • vishnu
    vishnu almost 6 years
    when i tried the same only textfield with tag 1 worked but not tag 0
  • Sanket_B
    Sanket_B almost 6 years
    @vishnu tag 0 is default for all the views, please use tags other than 0