Adaptive server connection failed (DB-Lib error message 20002, severity 9)


Solution 1

This is likely due to the pymssql version. Did you upgrade pymssql? If yes, try reverting back to 2.1.1

sudo pip install pymssql==2.1.1

Solution 2

Not really a solution to the issue I raised, but using pypyodbc instead of pymssql works.

conn = pypyodbc.connect(driver='{SQL Server}',server=',1433',database='mydatabase', uid='myusername', pwd='mypassword')

Solution 3

freetds-dev might be missing on linux:

apt-get update && apt-get install freetds-dev

Author by


Updated on November 05, 2021


  • Syed
    Syed over 2 years

    I'm sure this issue has been raised an uncountable number of times before but perhaps, someone could still help me.
    I am using pymssql v2.1.3 with Python 2.7.12 and the code that I used several times until yesterday to write data to my Azure SQL DB has somehow decided not to work anymore - for no apparent reason.

    The firewall is set, my IP is in the whitelist, I can connect to the database using SQL Server Management Studio and query the data but I still keep getting this error when attempting to connect using pymssql.

    The app is a Flask web-app and following is how I connect to the DB:

    conn = pymssql.connect(server='', user='myusername@mydatabase', password='mypassword', database='mydatabase')
  • matabares
    matabares almost 4 years
    This link may be useful…
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    Admin over 2 years
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