Add buttons to mat-tab-group


Solution 1

One approach would be to add another disabled tab with no content and attach the click event to a button in the tab label.

    <mat-tab label="Tab 1">Tab 1 Content</mat-tab>
    <mat-tab label="Tab 2">Tab 2 Content</mat-tab>
    <mat-tab disabled>
        <ng-template mat-tab-label>
            <button mat-icon-button (click)="someFn()">

The only odd thing is the width of the tab label. I haven't been able to figure out how to reduce that specific one.

Solution 2

Did that in my styles.css to remove the disabled style and reduce the size of the tab:

my-component .mat-tab-labels :last-child.mat-tab-label {
  min-width: 0;
  padding: 0 12px;
  color: unset;
  opacity: unset;

Where "my-component" is the html selector of your component.

look like this : tabs with add button

Author by


Updated on June 07, 2022


  • bbrownd
    bbrownd about 2 years

    I am brand new to Angular 2/4 and have been enjoying the Material Design components ( I have a simple SPA which uses a tab group for switching between dynamic views. I have a plus button for adding more tabs and each tab can deleted itself.

    My question is whether the mat-tab-group can be altered to contain the "plus" button in the upper bar (where the tabs appear). Right now it sits in a div beside the mat-tab-group div, and thus takes up 20px along the whole right side of my web-page, which does not look terribly nice.

  • Tanmoy Bhattacharjee
    Tanmoy Bhattacharjee about 6 years
    How to select the latest created tab?
  • Jared
    Jared almost 6 years
    I haven't tested it but looking at the MatTabGroup API, there is an input called selectedIndex that you may be able to set on that component. For example, <mat-tab-group [selectedIndex]="1"> where 1 would be replaced with a dynamic way to retrieve the new tab index.
  • Walter Luszczyk
    Walter Luszczyk over 5 years
    A trick by disabling is cool. Without this I had problems that tab with "+" was displayed, but in fact there was no data there. Thanks!
  • eriksmith200
    eriksmith200 almost 5 years
    Is there a way to make the button in the disabled tab, not look disabled?
  • Awais
    Awais over 4 years
    Any other way for adding button in mat-tab? I am using angular material
  • Awais
    Awais over 4 years
    As i have nested tabs also so it not doing exactly what i want.
  • Ollie
    Ollie over 2 years
    I got it to work using my-component ::ng-deep .mat-tab-labels :last-child.mat-tab-label