Add image to UITextField in Xcode?


Solution 1

UITextField has a rightView property, if you have image like this- enter image description here then You can easly set ImageView object to rightView:

UITextField *myTextField = [[UITextField alloc] init];

myTextField.rightViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
myTextField.rightView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"downArrow.png"]];

Solution 2

In Swift:

textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always
textField.leftView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "imageName"))

Solution 3

You can put the UIImageView to the left of your UITextField.

UITextField *textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(96, 40, 130, 20)];
[textField setLeftViewMode:UITextFieldViewModeAlways];
textField.leftView= [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"searchIccon.png"]];

Solution 4

Swift 3.0

txtField.rightViewMode = .always
txtField.rightView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "selectdrop"))

TextField With DropDown Icon

Solution 5

To add proper margins / paddings between image and textfield, try this below code. Expanding on @King-Wizard's answer.

Here the height of my TextField is 44 Check the attached image for reference.

Swift Version:

emailTF.leftViewMode = .Always
let emailImgContainer = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(emailTF.frame.origin.x, emailTF.frame.origin.y, 40.0, 30.0))
let emailImView = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 25.0, 25.0))
emailImView.image = UIImage(named: "image1") =
emailTF.leftView = emailImgContainer

enter image description here

Author by


Updated on September 22, 2020


  • Honey
    Honey almost 4 years

    enter image description here

    I need to implement the concept of dropdown in Xcode.

    For that purpose, I'm using a UIPickerview.

    This pickerView loads when a textfield is tapped (on textFieldDidBeginEditing:)event.


    Is there a way, that I can add a image to TextField?

    The image is like an arrow mark by which user can understand that a dropdown appears when textfield is tapped .How can I make it?

  • Honey
    Honey over 11 years
    ya but how should i link this uiimage to textfield?
  • Honey
    Honey over 11 years
    txtstate =[[UITextField alloc]init]; [txtstate setFrame:CGRectMake(10, 30,170, 30)]; txtstate.delegate=self; txtstate.text=@"Fruits"; txtstate.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleNone; txtstate.background = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Arrow-Down-black-32.png"]; [txtstate setAutocorrectionType:UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo]; [self.view addSubview:txtstate]; Did like this but I need borders also..How can I do it?
  • Paras Joshi
    Paras Joshi over 11 years
    which you use mate?? means you use this custom dropdown??
  • Mayur Birari
    Mayur Birari over 11 years
    for border plz go through with this blog
  • Paras Joshi
    Paras Joshi over 11 years
    @arizah you did checkout the demo of dropdown.. i think this is very useful dude.. and also i give the border with many type if you want to border then i post code just tell me you required the code now??
  • Honey
    Honey over 11 years
    Yes I went through it ...I got it..Thanks
  • Honey
    Honey over 11 years
    k mate Thanks a lot for ur words..I do have some doubts in other concepts..Can I get ur mail Id?
  • Honey
    Honey over 11 years
  • Jogendra.Com
    Jogendra.Com over 10 years
    If I add image left side on textField. How can we manage spacing between image and text.
  • Davit Siradeghyan
    Davit Siradeghyan over 10 years
    Thank you Erhan, IMO your solution is the best and shortest !!! It helped me a lot :)
  • Erhan Demirci
    Erhan Demirci over 10 years
    Your welcome Davit :) . Really I appereciate hear from you good sound :)
  • keji
    keji over 9 years
    @Joge you would add the image into a UIView and set the views width including the padding you want
  • Bhimbim
    Bhimbim about 9 years
    elegant solution !, but i also have some trouble to set a background image for my uitexfield (not left view, but the whole background), can you tell me how ?, in swift.
  • kishorer747
    kishorer747 almost 8 years
    to set correct margins / padding on image, first create a view with little bit bigger dimension than image. And create the image view, center it in the UIView, add UIImageView to UIView. Now final step is to set this UIView as .leftView.
  • Roman Roba
    Roman Roba over 6 years
    You can make leftImage of type UIImage, which will get you a nice direct image input.
  • CodeF0x
    CodeF0x almost 6 years
    Hi and welcome to SO :). Can you add more detail to your answer, please? That would make it easier to understand your solution. Thanks!
  • Admin
    Admin over 5 years
    click That "enter image description here " you can understand