Add .mf & .xml files in META-INF directory inside a Maven built EAR


Solution 1

Try using the resources plugin as described here:

Solution 2

I got it. Thanx Jgiff. I used indeed the maven-resources-plugin, specified where my xml's are located and that i wanted them to be copied in the META-INF folder of the project during the "validate" phase, that's important. My pom looks somehow like this now:


When executing an mvn clean install, maven executes the "validate" phase first so the copy is done before packaging the ear. That was successful.

Author by


Updated on June 28, 2022


  • b-lieve
    b-lieve almost 2 years

    I have arbitrary .xml & .mf files that i have to add in the META-INF folder inside the ear itself. Build is done using maven2.2.1. Simply adding those files under ${basedir}/src/main/application/META-INF/ works fine, but it doesn't fit my needs. Is there another way to do such thing? I tried:


    but this doesn't add my xml files under the EAR itself.

    I also tried:


    this commands add my files inside the ear, but NOT in the META-INF inside the EAR (myEar.ear/META-INF).

    Any help is welcome, and would be great. Thnx.
