add swipe effect for the jquery fancybox lightbox


Solution 1

try following link to .net tutorial: lightbox-responsive

alternative try photo swipe plugin which is really good, find it here

other options:

swipjs jquery mobile jqtouch

Solution 2

If you want to fully integrate swipe effects to your fancybox you just need to add the following lines to your fancybox.js code::

Copy the code into the _setContent function (recommended is on the very end of that function)::

$(F.outer).on('swipeleft', function() {;
$(F.outer).on('swiperight', function() {

To make this work you need two lightweight jquery plugins:

That's it. Have fun

Solution 3

old question, but perhaps still relevant. I solved it using jQuery UI function called "draggable".

        padding : 0,
        arrows: false,
        helpers : {
            thumbs : {
                width  : 150,
                height : 50
            $('#fancybox-thumbs ul').draggable({
                axis: "x"
            var posXY = '';
                axis: "x",
                drag: function(event,ui){
                    // get position
                    posXY = ui.position.left;

              // if drag distance bigger than +- 100px: cancel drag function..
                    if(posXY > 100){return false;}
                    if(posXY < -100){return false;}
                stop: function(){

              // ... and get next or previous image
                    if(posXY > 95){$.fancybox.prev();}
                    if(posXY < -95){$;}

You can watch it here.

Solution 4

The newest version (currently version 3 beta 1) has swipe support and it works, but hopefully the final release will be much improved. The animation/transition effect is really slow.

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • user168507
    user168507 almost 2 years

    Fancybox has a full support and works fine on desktop platforms, however mobile/touch devices don't support the :hover state property therefore, if displaying a fancybox gallery like :

    <a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href="image01.jpg">01</a>
    <a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href="image02.jpg">02</a>
    <a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href="image03.jpg">03</a>
    ... etc.

    and this simple code :


    fancybox navigation arrows would need a double-click to move to the next item, one to show the navigation arrow (:hover) and other to actually advance to the next/prev item.

    The question is : does fancybox have a swipe functionality for ipad, iphone etc. ? If not, how it can be implemented using jQuery?

    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      I was looking to accomplish the same thing, found this modified code on Github: Also, I'm new to answering on Stack Overflow, if I messed something up, my bad...
  • jdepypere
    jdepypere about 11 years
    Is there any way to have the regular next/prev buttons appear on dekstop, and the draggable one when on mobile? Also, when you don't drag far enough and let go, it doesn't return to it's original position.
  • Hansinger
    Hansinger about 11 years
    Hi @arbitter , you can put a " $(this).animate({left: 0}, 500)" in the stop function for the draggable function to move the image to the original position. For the next/prev buttons its tricky. you have to detect the mobile / desktop device and change the arrows option for that. the "moveback" function you can show on my updated fiddle.. for the mobile device detection i found here something interesting.. but i dont test it.
  • Dave
    Dave over 10 years
    I put this at the end of the _setDimension function and it worked perfectly, thanks for the tip, those are great plugins
  • fdrv
    fdrv over 10 years
    This is not work on mobile an pads, just lose time to chekc it.
  • fdrv
    fdrv over 10 years
    Why you writed this if u dont checked, bc i cheked and IT IS NOT WORK on pads AND mobiles devisec!
  • fdrv
    fdrv over 10 years
    sry but it not work =(
  • fdrv
    fdrv over 10 years
    But it really great add some like swipe for desktop mouse event =) Ty.
  • user3180105
    user3180105 about 10 years
    v3 works well. Jek-fdrv has no idea what (s)he's talking about
  • Matt
    Matt about 10 years
    The _setContent function doesn't seem to exist anymore (I'm using version 2.1.5), but putting the code at the end of the _setDimension function, as mentioned above, does work. Nice simple solution, thanks :)
  • Teknotica
    Teknotica almost 10 years
    Thanks for this! really helpful!
  • chocolata
    chocolata over 9 years
    Works like a charm! Tried and tested with version 2.1.5 of Fancybox!
  • Marvin3
    Marvin3 over 9 years
    + to PhotoSwipe, new version is really good and even supports zoom gestures.
  • Ollie
    Ollie over 8 years
    @Hansinger This would be perfect, but unfortunately doesn't work on mobile and iPad... any idea what I'd need to do to make it work on mobile?
  • Hansinger
    Hansinger over 8 years
    @Ollie i do not use fancybox anymore. i change to another library called photoswipe. It has a better mobile and touch support and looks very nice. You can take a look at
  • Severe Torture
    Severe Torture over 8 years
    It works for me! BUT I need change added code to fancybox.js to: " $(".fancybox-wrap").on('swipeleft', function() {; }); $(".fancybox-wrap").on('swiperight', function() { F.prev(); }); "
  • Kairat Jenishev
    Kairat Jenishev over 8 years
    Actually, you can do like this: $('fancybox').fancybox({afterLoad: function () { $('.fancybox-outer').on('swipeleft', function () { $; }).on('swiperight', function () { $.fancybox.prev(); }); }})
  • Mohamed Anis Dahmani
    Mohamed Anis Dahmani about 8 years
    The first link is no longer working here is the right one: Responsive HTML5 Lightbox