Added Auto Start of Kodi, Now I can't access my Regular user


Ok, I figured out what I did wrong as I traced my steps...

When I installed Xorg Legacy (As outlined in Step 5 of the Wiki), then realized that this step was not necessary, and purged and reinstalled Xorg, it removed my Ubuntu session. I had to re-install the missing files in my Ubuntu session, and the Unity greeter works perfectly now! This is the command I used.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-session

Thanks George for making me re-trace my steps!

The above Question is the exact steps to follow if your using a Desktop connected to a T.V. with a DVI to HDMI Cable as the Media Center for Kodi. When a member of my household wants to use Kodi, all the need to do is power on the computer and it boots straight to Kodi. I would like to stregthen my setup so that just any user cannot edit the Kodi Media Server settings, but that is a whole new topic. For now, this works great!


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EODCraft Staff
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EODCraft Staff

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • EODCraft Staff
    EODCraft Staff almost 2 years

    I have followed the Kodi Wiki on how to auto start my media center, and it works perfectly! Only problem is is when I exit the system and try to enter my user Desktop, it gives me the error, "Failed to Start Session" Here is the Lightdm conf file that Kodi Wiki had me add... /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf


    Is there a way to configure this to have kodi auto start, but when I want to use my Desktop, be able to exit and log into Ubuntu 16.10?


    Happy New Year to ALL!


    As requested by George.... Kodi Wiki

    I did Step 1...

    1 Create a user to run Kodi

    For security reasons, it is recommended (but optional) to use a dedicated user to run Kodi. The user needs access to audio and video devices as well as access the internet if you're going to use any features that require internet access. Most methods present here allow to specify which user will start / own the Kodi process.

    Notice the groups might vary from one distro to another. The groups used below are for Debian-based distributions. To create the user (named kodi here) and give it the necessary permissions, run

    sudo adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login --gecos "" kodi 

    Then, assign it to the following groups in order to give it the permissions it needs.

    sudo usermod -a -G cdrom,netdev,audio,video,plugdev,users,dialout,dip,input kodi

    To give it access to the internet, add the group netdev as well.

    and Step 6...

    6 Use autologin feature of lightdm

    This works if you have a window manager as well.

    Install lightdm

    sudo apt-get install lightdm

    Modify /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and set the following settings under section [Seat:*]:

    sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

    Reboot and you're done

    • George Udosen
      George Udosen over 7 years
      What version of Ubuntu are you running ?
    • George Udosen
      George Udosen over 7 years
      Please add the link to the steps you followed.
    • EODCraft Staff
      EODCraft Staff over 7 years
      Unbuntu Version 16.10
    • George Udosen
      George Udosen over 7 years
      What is the exact error or issue you see with the regular user.
    • EODCraft Staff
      EODCraft Staff over 7 years
      It was "Failed to start session", it's fixed now that I re-installed Ubuntu session. Thanks!