Adjust icon size of Floating action button (fab)


Solution 1

As your content is 24dp x 24dp you should use 24dp icon. And then set android:scaleType="center" in your ImageButton to avoid auto resize.

Solution 2

Try to use app:maxImageSize="56dp" instead of the above answers after you update your support library to v28.0.0

Solution 3

Make this entry in dimens

<!--Floating action button-->
<dimen name="design_fab_image_size" tools:override="true">36dp</dimen>

Here 36dp is icon size on floating point button. This will set 36dp size for all icons for floating action button.

Updates As Per Comments

If you want to set icon size to particular Floating Action Button just go with Floating action button attributes like app:fabSize="normal" and android:scaleType="center".

  <!--app:fabSize decides size of floating action button You can use normal, auto or mini as per need-->

  <!--android:scaleType decides how the icon drawable will be scaled on Floating action button. You can use center(to show scr image as original), fitXY, centerCrop, fitCenter, fitEnd, fitStart, centerInside.-->

Solution 4

There are three key XML attributes for custom FABs:

  • app:fabSize: Either "mini" (40dp), "normal"(56dp)(default) or "auto"
  • app:fabCustomSize: This will decide the overall FAB size.
  • app:maxImageSize: This will decide the icon size.



The FAB padding (the space between the icon and the background circle, aka ripple) is calculated implicitly by:

4-edge padding = (fabCustomSize - maxImageSize) / 2.0 = 16

Note that the margins of the fab can be set by the usual android:margin xml tag properties.

Solution 5

The design guidelines defines two sizes and unless there is a strong reason to deviate from using either, the size can be controlled with the fabSize XML attribute of the FloatingActionButton component.

Consider specifying using either app:fabSize="normal" or app:fabSize="mini", e.g.:

   app:fabSize="mini" />

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If you ever need to edit a SQLite database on Android then use the app I built: SqlitePrime. You can use the built-in SQL Editor, view and edit fields, create Tables, view DDL for Tables, Views, Indices, Triggers. It also has support for editing the Blob data type. You can also edit app's databases (Root needed) Apparently it was removed from Google Play Store because it uses the Play services and requires a Privacy policy. The app can be downloaded from here until I find time to make it GDPR compliant. TODO: Migrate Sqlite Prime app entirely to Kotlin with MVVM and Open source it (I'm planning to do this when I find a bit more free time).

Updated on October 01, 2021


  • vovahost
    vovahost over 2 years

    Floating button The new floating action button should be 56dp x 56dp and the icon inside it should be 24dp x 24dp. So the space between icon and button should be 16dp.

        android:src="@drawable/ic_add_black_48dp" />


    <ripple xmlns:android=""
            <shape android:shape="oval">
                <solid android:color="?android:colorAccent" />

    And this is the result I get:
    Floating button result
    I used the icon from \material-design-icons-1.0.0\content\drawable-hdpi\ic_add_black_48dp.png

    How to make the size of the icon inside the button be exactly as described in guidelines ?

  • vovahost
    vovahost over 9 years
    I set the padding but it does nothing. And the right padding would be 16 dp not 32dp
  • vovahost
    vovahost over 9 years
    Can you explain or drop a link to some site, why for example in drawable-hdpi folder there are _18dp.png, _24dp.png, _36dp.png, _48dp.png images.
  • Gaëtan Maisse
    Gaëtan Maisse over 9 years
    I don't understand your question, there are 18dp, 24dp, 36dp and 48dp for different size images.
  • vovahost
    vovahost over 9 years
    Do you remember the old Android_Design_Icons which had only one variant of the icon in hdpi folder which was 48px x 48px. Why now in hdpi folder there are 4 different resolution for the same icon i.e. 27px x 27 px, 36px x 36px, 54px x 54px, 72px x 72px ?
  • Gaëtan Maisse
    Gaëtan Maisse over 9 years
    yep I remember but I can't explain why these new icons are in multiple sizes... (to get them super clean when they are used ?). Hope someone has an answer to that
  • vovahost
    vovahost over 9 years
    Is android:scaleType applicable to an ImageButton because I don't get any suggestions when I use CTRL+SPACE. Without that tag it gives the same effect. Maybe for ImageButton android:scaleType is set by default to center
  • Gaëtan Maisse
    Gaëtan Maisse over 9 years
    ImageButton is a subclass of ImageView so you have a scaleType attribut and default scaleType is ScaleType.FIT_CENTER
  • vovahost
    vovahost over 9 years
    Then I will not change it. I think the default value ScaleType.FIT_CENTER is safer to use for an ImageButton.
  • Abhishek
    Abhishek over 7 years
    Yes. It doesn't work with It works when you are using androids FloatingActionButton
  • Lakhwinder Singh Dhillon
    Lakhwinder Singh Dhillon about 7 years
    android:scaleType="center" android:scaleType="centerCrop" are settings work on almost all views
  • StarWind0
    StarWind0 over 6 years
    Yeaaaah but I don't Want to do it across the app!
  • Abhishek
    Abhishek over 6 years
    @StarWind0 I you have to use fabSize and scaleType attributes if want to apply for single floating action button. I have updated my answer.
  • StarWind0
    StarWind0 almost 6 years
    No longer works with
  • Khemraj Sharma
    Khemraj Sharma over 5 years
    Any ways, you don't get this in 28.0.0 version, you will get it in androidx.
  • Robin
    Robin over 5 years
    I haven't switched to AndroidX, this is what I am using: api ''
  • Aloha
    Aloha over 5 years
    This is exactly what I was looking for! You don't even need to set layout_width and layout_height. It just works. This is also available on
  • stramin
    stramin almost 5 years
    This worked for me but I would like more information to understand why defining a maxIconSize changes the icon size.
  • Chitrang
    Chitrang over 3 years
    Can you please tell me how to set maxImageSize programmatically? I couldn't find the answer.
  • Chitrang
    Chitrang over 3 years
    Can you please tell me how to set maxImageSize programmatically? I couldn't find the answer.
  • varun
    varun over 3 years
    @Chitrang According to the API documentation, there are no public methods to set the FAB's "maxImageSize". However, there is a "setCustomSize" method... See if it works out for you. In the worst case, you need to create a new FAB view and append it into your layout... since there is no way to dynamically set attributes in XML without the view's setter method.
  • Akash Bisariya
    Akash Bisariya about 3 years
    maxImageSize worked for me for showing full drawable in floating button.
  • Sertan
    Sertan over 2 years
    id and srcCompat I prefer that you adjust these parts according to yourself.
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
    Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
  • neo
    neo over 2 years
    it works for me. thanks