align AlertDialog buttons to center


Solution 1

This worked for me :

    final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity(),;

    builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {


    final AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();; //show() should be called before dialog.getButton().

    final Button positiveButton = dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE);
    LinearLayout.LayoutParams positiveButtonLL = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) positiveButton.getLayoutParams();
    positiveButtonLL.gravity = Gravity.CENTER;

Solution 2

Use crtn's method, but instead of changing the LayoutParam's gravity, change its width to ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;

Solution 3

If you want to have Positive And Negative Buttons at the same time (Large & Center), you can use something like this:

Dialog Positive & Negative Buttons

AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();

alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Yes",
        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, "No",
        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

Button btnPositive = alertDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE);
Button btnNegative = alertDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE);

LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) btnPositive.getLayoutParams();
layoutParams.weight = 10;

Solution 4

Here is something really work.

The parent of the 3 buttons (neutral, positive ve and negative) is ButtonBarLayout, which extends LinearLayout. To centralize a view in LinearLayout, weight, width and layout_gravity(but not gravity) is important, and these code works perfectly:

LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); //create a new one
layoutParams.weight = 1.0 f;
layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; //this is layout_gravity

Solution 5

Tried crtn's method and Scott Brown's modification, both didn't render how I liked.

crtn's solution didn't change the appearance of the buttons for me at all (I'm using and Scott Brown's solution made my positive button extend past the edge of the dialog parent.

For Theme_Material_Light_Dialog the buttons are contained within a LinearLayout subclass that uses a blank View as its 2nd (index 1) element to push the buttons right.

I grab the Button ref like crtn does:

AlertDialog dialog = bld.create();; //show() MUST be called before dialog.getButton
Button positiveButton = dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE);

But then I set the leftSpacer to View.GONE and the parent's gravity to CENTER_HORIZONTAL

LinearLayout parent = (LinearLayout) positiveButton.getParent();
View leftSpacer = parent.getChildAt(1);

This has the advantage that it doesn't break the dialog's button stacking behavior. The disadvantage is that if the internal layout changes, it will break, so YMMV.

Author by


A dedicated AI programmer with a focus on machine vision applications I develop apps and optimize tasks with help of machine learning. I can learn machines and optimize them to do tasks such as reading texts, classifying objects, recognizing voice, or even read emotions from biosignals. As a CTO, I manage my team to develop artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. I determine solution requirements including, computers, cameras, bandwidth, etc. As a programmer, I can develop machine learning apps using multiple programming languages. My current objectives include developing speed enforcement cameras. My experience includes developing real-time automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system. I developed a license plate detector, OCR pipeline, and camera synchronizer (an electronic board). I also developed an RFID-tag-based system as a customer management system. artificial intelligence | machine learning | machine vision | deep learning | intelligent transportation | OCR | C# | Python | Matlab

Updated on August 03, 2021


  • Babak.Abad
    Babak.Abad almost 3 years

    I use this codes for Android (Java) programming:

    public static MessageBoxResult showOk(
            Context context, String title, String message, String okMessage)
        okDialogResult = MessageBoxResult.Closed;
        // make a handler that throws a runtime exception when a message is received
        final Handler handler = new Handler()
            public void handleMessage(Message mesg)
                throw new RuntimeException();
        AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        alert.setPositiveButton(okMessage, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                okDialogResult = MessageBoxResult.Positive;
        AlertDialog dialog =;
        // align button to center
        Button b = (Button) dialog.findViewById(;
        // loop till a runtime exception is triggered.
        try { Looper.loop(); }
        catch(RuntimeException e2) {}
        return okDialogResult;

    My problem is how make center the button? As you see I try to align button to cnenter using Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL (also .CENTER) but nothing changes. The button is almost in right position.