Always getting invalid signature in


Solution 1

If you are using jsonwebtoken lib, I tried and able to create the token and verify as well. Please have a look at the code and let me know in comments if you are still facing the issue.

var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')

const secret = 'secret';
const token = jwt.sign({
        username: "",
        userID: 1
    secret, {
        expiresIn: "1hr"
    function(err, token) {
        if (err) {
        } else {

Here is the link of where I entered your secret used and it's saying verified.

enter image description here

Solution 2


Extract the first key from the keys array in the JSON returned by the, and paste it in the first textbox of VERIFY SIGNATURE section of page. of course, is the domain where you hosted your OpenIddict auth server. Could also be something like interface

The whole story:

When you paste the JWT in, it does this:

  1. decodes the token, and show the header and the payload on the right
  2. tries to validate the signature

If the step 1. fails to decode the payload, that's because the token is encoded. To solve this problem, modify the OpeIddict config by adding .DisableAccessTokenEncryption();

The step 2, signature validation, is done by getting the issuer iss field form the PAYLOAD section: enter image description here

and use it as the base URI to invoke the /.well-known/openid-configuration, which includes the JWKS uri, which looks like "jwks_uri": "" can fail to get this data for example:

  • if you're testing in https://localhost, which isn't accesible from internet, just like the https://localhost:5001 of this example
  • because the request is rejected by any other reason (unkown domain, firewall...)

If this is the case, there is an option to solve the problem: paste the appropriate string in the upper textbox of VERIFY SIGNATURE section, which has this placeholder:

Public key in SPKI, PKCS #1, X.509 certificate, or JWK string format.

What is the right string to apste there? It's easy if you take into account 2 details:

  1. you can get the JSON with this info from the aforementioned endpoint
  2. the info returned is a JWKS string, but a JWK is required.

So, invoke the enpoint, get the JWKS which looks like this:

  "keys": [
      "kid": "2727AC6EB83977...",
      "use": "sig",
      "kty": "RSA",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "e": "AQAB",
      "n": "6tSSW3rz53Xj3w...",
      "x5t": "Jyesbrg5d_2M...",
      "x5c": [

and extract the JWK which is simply the first entry in the "keys" array, i.e

  "kid": "2727AC6EB83977...",
  "use": "sig",
  "kty": "RSA",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "n": "6tSSW3rz53Xj3w...",
  "x5t": "Jyesbrg5d_2M...",
  "x5c": [

Paste this value in the textbox, and you'll get the blue "Signature verified" message, as you can see at the bottom of the first snapshot.

NOTE: depending on the configuration (AddEphemeralSigningKey(), AddDevelopmentSigningCertificate(), etc.), the JWKS keys can have more or less properties, but it should work anyway.

Author by


A wannabe programmer.

Updated on January 16, 2022


  • thegreathypocrite
    thegreathypocrite over 2 years

    I always get invalid signature when I input the generated token in Here is my code for making the token

    const secret = 'secret';
    const token = jwt.sign({
        username: user.username,
        userID: user._id
      secret, {
        expiresIn: "1hr"

    What did I do wrong?

    I'm using the jsonwebtoken package.

  • Steffen T
    Steffen T over 3 years
    Actually the signature is invalid if you click the link. However, I could make it work with the npm package. Is maybe broken in some way?
  • Suresh Prajapati
    Suresh Prajapati over 3 years
    @SteffenT Click on the checkbox there
  • Wickramaranga
    Wickramaranga about 3 years
    Late to the party, but the site updates the JWT you pasted when you change the secret. So, you have to paste the secret first, then the JWT.
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
    Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
  • jps
    jps over 2 years
    No, with clicking on the checkbox "secret base64 encoded" you do not verify the token. In your screenshot, there's not even a secret pasted to the input field. Clicking on the checkbox just causes a recalculation of the signature, which is then automatically verified. Please read my answer here to see what actually happens and how you use in a correct way.
  • jps
    jps over 2 years
    @Wickramaranga that's correct, but very often people use the wrong way and don't notice the updated signature and just think they verified the token. I described the correct usage in my answer here