amcharts showing value inside bar


I fixed this so i will post answer, maybe it will help to someone

its really simple all you need to do is to add 2 lines of code:

graph.labelText = '[[value]]'; // this will insert values in labels
graph.labelPosition = 'inside'; // and with this we put our label inside bar

Hope this will help to someone who also need to do same thing

Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    I'm using amCharts, and i want to show values inside bar

    This is how it looks at the moment: Current state of the charts

    and I want it to be like this: Expected state of the chart

    This is my code to display chart:

    AmCharts.ready(function() {
        // SERIAL CHART
        chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
        chart.dataProvider = graphData;
        chart.categoryField = 'date';
        chart.startDuration = 1;
        chart.columnWidth = 0.60;
        chart.dataDateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
        chart.startEffect = 'easeInSine';
         chart.stackType =  'regular';
        // AXES
        // category
        var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;
        categoryAxis.parseDates = true;
        categoryAxis.minPeriod = 'DD';
        categoryAxis.plotAreaBorderAlpha = 0.01;
        categoryAxis.labelRotation = 90;
        categoryAxis.axisThickness = 0;
         categoryAxis.stackType =  'regular';
        categoryAxis.gridThickness = 0;
        categoryAxis.inside = false;
        //categoryAxis.gridPosition = 'start';
        //categoryAxis.startDate = '2014-05-08';
        // value
        // in case you don't want to change default settings of value axis,
        // you don't need to create it, as one value axis is created automatically.
        // GRAPH
        var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
        graph.maxColumns = 1;
        graph.valueField = 'Self-entered';
        graph.balloonText = '[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b>';
        graph.type = 'column';
        graph.lineAlpha = 0;
        graph.labelText =  '[[value]]';     
        graph.fillAlphas = 0.8;
        graph.stackType = 'regular';                    
        graph.cornerRadiusTop = 8;
        // CURSOR
        var chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
        chartCursor.cursorAlpha = 0;
        chartCursor.zoomable = false;
        chartCursor.categoryBalloonEnabled = false;
        chart.creditsPosition = 'top-right';

    Thanks in advance.

  • wang.aurora
    wang.aurora over 9 years
    i use this solution in a bar graph. however label text that is logger than the bar is not visible. Do you know how to solve it?
  • Sagar R
    Sagar R about 8 years
    @wang.aurora : you can use "labelRotation": 270 property.
  • Muzaffar Mahmood
    Muzaffar Mahmood about 4 years
    I am trying to show values inside columns for 3D Column chart(am4charts.XYChart3D) but not successful yet. I am implementing this chart . Thanks in advance for help.
  • Muzaffar Mahmood
    Muzaffar Mahmood about 4 years
    Even show tooltip Always not working as mentioned here‌​ty.