An error was encountered while attempting to communicate with this device


Solution 1

I found that error causes when device lost connection for a moment. it's happen when you have damaged (or very old) cable. How ironic... trying to connect a device for ones for been wireless anymore, but cable...

Solution 2

I got same error in my case Quit Xcode after that restart clean and build its working fine .


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Mostly working on Objective-C, Swift, AVFoundation, Frameworks, tvOS, SPM... etc. AVFoundation & Fairplay Master Ask anything about AVFoundation and Fairplay streaming. tvOS Master Ask anything about Apple Tv and tvOS focus engine. Frameworks Ask anything about creating a framework on iOS/tvOS/macOS. Supporting Swift and/or Objective-C. Swift Package Manager Ask anything about SPM and multiple language support. Developer Full-time iOS/tvOS/macOS for the last 10 years, also love to work with Shell Script. Early days of my career (First 8 Years), I was a C developer and after that a Web Developer (E-Commerce, CMS, etc.) Ready to help #SOreadytohelp! Plus Husband, father of a son, nature and bike lover :)

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • mgyky
    mgyky about 2 years

    I get this error while "Connect via network" option in new version of XCode9 and iOS11.

    enter image description here

    I checked the "Connect via network" box. After few seconds XCode gives me this error:

    "An error was encountered while attempting to communicate with this device"

    Anyone facing the same issue?


    • XCode Version 9.0 beta 5 (9M202q)
    • iOS 11 Beta 5
    • iPad Air