Android: how to create 3 vertical dots?


Solution 1

This post is old, yes, but I've figured another way to include these dots without adding more graphics: use the vertical ellipsis, here's the string resource for whoever wants it:

<string name="vertical_ellipsis">&#8942;</string>

And then you can use it on a button as text.

Solution 2

for the 3-dots icon, you can find it either in the SDK, under ".../android-sdk\platforms\android-19\data\res..." , named "ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light" or "ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_dark" , depending on the style of your app. note that it has multiple files on multiple folders, to allow correct selection of the images, according to the state of the button and the density of the device.

Update: you can also find it here (search for "more") and here (inside "navigation", search for "more_vert") .

I recommend the second one if you support VectorDrawable.

Update: currently the newest file is abc_ic_menu_overflow_material.xml VectorDrawable, which has this content:

<vector xmlns:android=""
            android:pathData="M12,8c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2s-0.9,-2 -2,-2c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2S10.9,8 12,8zM12,10c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2s0.9,2 2,2c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2S13.1,10 12,10zM12,16c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2s0.9,2 2,2c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2S13.1,16 12,16z"

Solution 3

Add SVG support for your application. Then press File > New > Vector Asset, select asset type "Clip Art", press button "Clip Art". In opened window search "more", select "more vert", press "OK", then "Next", "Finish".

enter image description here

<vector xmlns:android=""
        android:pathData="M12,8c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2s-0.9,-2 -2,-2 -2,0.9 -2,2 0.9,2 2,2zM12,10c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2s0.9,2 2,2 2,-0.9 2,-2 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM12,16c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2s0.9,2 2,2 2,-0.9 2,-2 -0.9,-2 -2,-2z"

Solution 4

You can download all material icons from . The three dot icon is called ic_more...

I created this script to copy all versions(mdpi, ldpi, xdpi, xxdpi) to the android project. Might come in handy.

Solution 5

create an xml drawable and add the following code, you can change color to white

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<vector xmlns:android=""

        android:pathData="M 256 192 C 291.346223989 192 320 220.653776011 320 256 C 320 291.346223989 291.346223989 320 256 320 C 220.653776011 320 192 291.346223989 192 256 C 192 220.653776011 220.653776011 192 256 192 Z" />
        android:pathData="M 256 384 C 291.346223989 384 320 412.653776011 320 448 C 320 483.346223989 291.346223989 512 256 512 C 220.653776011 512 192 483.346223989 192 448 C 192 412.653776011 220.653776011 384 256 384 Z" />
        android:pathData="M 256 0 C 291.346223989 0 320 28.6537760108 320 64 C 320 99.3462239892 291.346223989 128 256 128 C 220.653776011 128 192 99.3462239892 192 64 C 192 28.6537760108 220.653776011 0 256 0 Z" />

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Updated on July 30, 2021


  • anthony
    anthony almost 3 years

    For example, in Google Play, each item in the lists had a 3 vertical dots in the right top corner to show a popup menu. What is the best way to create this 3 dots ?

    Thank you so much guys!

    • android developer
      android developer over 10 years
      Are you talking about the overflow button? if so, it's just an image file, and it's available to download (you can get it via the SDK itself) ...
    • anthony
      anthony over 10 years
      Ok, but where is this image in my SDK please?Thanks!
    • android developer
      android developer over 10 years
      i will now add an answer for this below.
    • Richard Le Mesurier
      Richard Le Mesurier over 10 years
      Out of interest, you do know that you don't need to create that icon yourself, right? You know that the framework creates it automatically for you - you just need to add a menu.xml file to the project with your menu items in it... (just checking)
    • user1185087
      user1185087 over 7 years
  • Jared Burrows
    Jared Burrows about 9 years
    Post an actual link to the image.
  • Thomas Kekeisen
    Thomas Kekeisen about 9 years
    To be more concrete: ic_more_* in "navigation"
  • Bruno Carrier
    Bruno Carrier over 8 years
    This is a very elegant response
  • Shujito
    Shujito about 8 years
    I love doing things elegantly (:
  • Shujito
    Shujito almost 8 years
    that is not guaranteed to be available, it will depend on what libraries you are using on your project
  • mutkan
    mutkan almost 8 years
    it looks different at LG G3 :(
  • Shujito
    Shujito almost 8 years
    ow, post a screenshot to see how it looks
  • Alex
    Alex about 7 years
    link from your post return 404
  • android developer
    android developer about 7 years
    @Alex Thanks. Updated link to the new official one.
  • Miha_x64
    Miha_x64 almost 7 years
  • android developer
    android developer almost 7 years
    @Miha_x64 True. This is the newest one currently.
  • Amir Dora.
    Amir Dora. about 6 years
    it's not available
  • Vaggelis Manousakis
    Vaggelis Manousakis about 3 years
    As a true Unicode character it works perfectly in HTML5 too.