Android - How to implement a listbox as a modal dialog/popup


Solution 1

Check the ApiDemos sample project, the AlertDialogSamples activity. There is a button labeled "Repeat alarm" that invokes a modal dialog with a multiple choice list.

In any case, a good place to start would be AlertDialog.Builder.

Solution 2

Here's the code in case anyone's interested:

new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                    new boolean[]{false, true, false, true, false, false, false},
                    new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton,
                                boolean isChecked) {

                            /* User clicked on a check box do some stuff */
                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {

                    /* User clicked Yes so do some stuff */
                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {

                    /* User clicked No so do some stuff */
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Beta
    Beta almost 2 years

    In my Android app, when a user clicks on a button, I want a list box to show up as a modal dialog, just like the way a Spinner works, except that the list box can also allow multiple choices. I tried using ListView as described in the android hello-listview tutorial ( Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work the way I had expected it to. It doesn't show up as a modal dialog like the Spinner. I tried looking at what the Android browser does when a listbox is to be displayed. I browsed to in the browser on my Android device and saw the following behavior (and this is exactly the behavior I want in my app):

    When a dropdown/combobox in HTML is clicked, a spinner comes up as seen in the image here:
    When a single select listbox is clicked, again a spinner comes up as seen here:
    And when a multi-select listbox is clicked, a multi-select spinner / listview shows up in a dialog as seen here:
    So my questions are:

    1. What is this widget (in the last image above) that allows multi-select in a modal dialog. I'm sure this must be a component already available on the Android platform since it's being displayed in the browser.
    2. Even the Spinners (in the first 2 images) in the browser look different than the default Spinner I'm seeing in my app. Would the browser be applying custom skinning / colors to the background and text of the Spinners that it displays?