Android - How to pass HashMap<String,String> between activities?


Solution 1

This is pretty simple, All Collections objects implement Serializable (sp?) interface which means they can be passed as Extras inside Intent

Use putExtra(String key, Serializable obj) to insert the HashMap and on the other Activity use getIntent().getSerializableExtra(String key), You will need to Cast the return value as a HashMap though.

Solution 2


Sender Activity:

HashMap<String, String> hashMap= adapter.getItem(position);
Intent intent = new Intent(SourceActivity.this, DestinationActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("hashMap", hashMap);

Receiver Activity:

Intent intent = getIntent();    
HashMap<String, String> hashMap = (HashMap<String, String>) intent.getSerializableExtra("hashMap");

Solution 3

i used this to pass my HashMap

startActivity(new Intent(currentClass.this,toOpenClass.class).putExtra("hashMapKey", HashMapVariable));

and on the receiving activity write

HashMap<String,String> hm = (HashMap<String,String>) getIntent().getExtras().get("hashMapKey");

cuz i know my hashmap contains string as value.

Solution 4

An alternative is if the information is something that might be considered "global" to the application, to then use the Application class. You simply extend it and then define your custom class in your manifest using the <application> tag. Use this sparingly, though. The urge to abuse it is high.


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Paresh Mayani
Author by

Paresh Mayani

Mobile Development &amp; Project Management/Delivery Consultant | Co-Founder | Start-up Consultant | Community Organiser @ GDG Ahmedabad | Certified Scrum Master Exploring the horizon of the software industry since 11+ years. Let's connect over twitter: @pareshmayani OR LinkedIn What I do: Co-Founder / CEO @ SolGuruz Founder/Organiser, Google Developers Group, Ahmedabad Blog @ TechnoTalkative Achievements: 11th person to earn Android gold badge 4th person to earn android-layout bronze badge. 20th person in the list of Highest reputation holder from India

Updated on July 06, 2020


  • Paresh Mayani
    Paresh Mayani almost 4 years

    How to pass the detail HashMap to another Activity?

    HashMap<String,String> detail = new HashMap<String, String>();
    • Pankaj Kumar
      Pankaj Kumar over 13 years… this will help you. And in another way make your HashMap as public and static, set its values in caller activity and use its values into called activity. And before adding values to your HashMap, clear its previous values.
    • Paresh Mayani
      Paresh Mayani over 13 years
      @pankaj i am not getting anything from the above link code
    • Pekka
      Pekka over 13 years
      @Tanmay please don't change the OP's code. Add a comment or answer outlining the change instead. (Rejected edit)
    • Tanmay Mandal
      Tanmay Mandal over 13 years
      @Pekka No problem.I just wanted to make sure the right thing
    • Pankaj Kumar
      Pankaj Kumar over 13 years
      Can you prefer to make your hashMap as public static? I can explain it.
    • Vikas Patidar
      Vikas Patidar over 13 years
      @PM- Paresh Mayani: This might be helpful for you:… I dont found any direct method to do this instead of creating static HashMap
    • Paresh Mayani
      Paresh Mayani over 13 years
      @Vikas i already know that how do we pass values, arraylist , object from one activity to another, but i dont know this only. Thanx
    • Vikas Patidar
      Vikas Patidar over 13 years
      @PM Paresh Mayani: As per your question, I really don't think you need to pass the HashMap instead simply your can do this by putting an ArrayList<String> in intent and on the other activity you can obtain the value form those positions , assuming that you know which data is stored at the perticular position.
  • Paresh Mayani
    Paresh Mayani over 13 years
    thanx for the support, and "new" information , but i just need to pass HashMap between two activities i.e. From activity A to activity B
  • Nitish Hardeniya
    Nitish Hardeniya over 13 years
    I figured. Just wanted to offer it as an alternative.
  • Yeung
    Yeung about 11 years
    Excause me. What if I can have a HaspMap<String, Object>? Can it be serialize? The value Objects are just int, String or float type. No custom Object type.
  • Paresh Mayani
    Paresh Mayani about 10 years
    Are you sure that you are able to get HashMap<String, String> using getExtras.get("key") ?
  • MetaSnarf
    MetaSnarf about 10 years long as you passed "HashMap<String,String>" to the receiving activity
  • Miha_x64
    Miha_x64 over 7 years
    Keep in mind, that the map will not be serialized. It will be parcelized by internals if possible. And then you will get a HashMap on the other side, despite you've put LinkedHashMap or any other map.
  • Anish Kumar
    Anish Kumar about 7 years
    Hey hi, I am getting parcel error at runtime. java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcel: unable to marshal value I am passing HaspMap<String, JSONArray>
  • arlomedia
    arlomedia almost 7 years
    "You will need to Cast the return value" -- that's what I was missing.
  • temirbek
    temirbek over 6 years
    I'm getting "Unchecked cast" warning
  • Aba
    Aba over 6 years
    The "Unchecked cast" warning is basically saying "you're on your own" ;)
  • Abubakar
    Abubakar almost 6 years
    @anish bcz JSONArray is not serializable.
  • Anish Kumar
    Anish Kumar almost 6 years
    Thanks mate, though it is a late reply, appreciated your help. :) @Abubakar