Android: How to set a default value for an argument variable


Solution 1

No, Java does not support default values for function parameteres. There's an interesting post about borrowing language features here:

Solution 2

No need to overload anything, just write:

public int getScore(int score, Integer... bonus)
    if(bonus.length > 0)
        return score + bonus[0];
        return score;

Solution 3

You can abuse overloading like this:

int someMethod() { return someMethod(42); }
int someMethod(int arg) { .... }

Solution 4

you can use 3 dots syntax:

public void doSomething(boolean... arg1) {
    boolean MyArg1= (arg1.length >= 1) ? arg1 : false;

Solution 5

You can do it now in Android by using Kotlin! Kotlin supports default arguments, so you can write a function like:

fun addTheBook(title: String, author : String = "No Name"){...}

And then you can call it just like:

addTheBook("The Road Less Traveled")
Author by


Updated on January 30, 2020


  • M.V.
    M.V. over 4 years

    Android function

    PHP example:

    function HaHa($a = "Test")
        print $a; 

    The question is how to do it in android...

    public void someFunction(int ttt = 5)
       // something

    The solution above doesn't work, how can I do it?


  • M.V.
    M.V. about 13 years
    I thought so but native functions support it somehow... I can't actually remember one... Or for example JSONArray can be built from different sources: String, JSONTokener x, Collection collection or blank... I thought there could be work around
  • M.V.
    M.V. about 13 years
    Well work around for me is to put String[] inside and can add or remove arguments...
  • Sithu
    Sithu over 8 years
    I think this is better. It can be simplified such as return bonus.length > 0 ? score + bonus[0] : score;
  • Mahdi-Malv
    Mahdi-Malv over 5 years
    I like your way.