Android Lollipop, AppCompat ActionBar custom view doesn't take up whole screen width


Solution 1

Looks like this is caused by the latest changes to the ActionBar in the recent appcompat-v7 update. It seems like that there are significant changes to how you should handle action bars.

I faced the same issue and after reading the ActionBar documentation, and especially the following quote I found a solution.

Beginning with Android L (API level 21), the action bar may be represented by any Toolbar widget within the application layout. The application may signal to the Activity which Toolbar should be treated as the Activity's action bar. Activities that use this feature should use one of the supplied .NoActionBar themes, set the windowActionBar attribute to false or otherwise not request the window feature.

The way I see it, the AppCompat themes were changed and on one hand seemed to break a few things but provide much more flexibility on the other. I recommend following these steps:

  1. Use .NoActionBar style in your activity as described in the above quote
  2. Add a to your Activity layout
  3. Set the app:contentInsetStart="0dp" attribute. This is the main issue with the margin that you describe in your question
< xmlns:android=""
    app:contentInsetStart="0dp" >

It's usually recommended that you do that in a separate layout file and use include in your activity layout so you will only need to customize the Toolbar in one place if used in multiple activities

<include layout="@layout/view_action_bar" />
  1. Use findViewById and setSupportActionBar in your Activity onCreate to signal to the Activity which Toolbar should be treated as the Activity's action bar
Toolbar actionBar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
  1. Once you do that, all actions added in onCreateOptionsMenu will be added to the toolbar and it will be treated as the activity action bar.
  2. Further customize the Toolbar as desired (Add child views etc.)

Solution 2

Instead of doing so much of work as mentioned by Muzikant and like this answer

    getSupportActionBar().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.WHITE));
    LayoutInflater mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(this);

    View mCustomView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.action_bar_home, null);
    Toolbar parent =(Toolbar) mCustomView.getParent();//first get parent toolbar of current action bar 
    parent.setContentInsetsAbsolute(0,0);// set padding programmatically to 0dp

You have to add only the last two lines of code to solve your problem.

I hope this might help you and anyone else.

UPDATE: After making some research on it, i found that this solution will not work in some cases. The left side gap (HOME or BACK) will be removed with this but the right side gap (MENU) will remain as is. Below is the solution in these cases.

View v = getSupportActionBar().getCustomView();
LayoutParams lp = v.getLayoutParams();
lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;

Add these four lines to above code, so that the right side gap is also removed from support action bar.

Solution 3

I think you can also do that in styles. try this. tested it on kitkat

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
  <item name="toolbarStyle">@style/AppThemeToolbar</item>

<style name="AppThemeToolbar" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Toolbar" >
  <item name="contentInsetStart">0dp</item>

Solution 4

None of the other answers worked for me, so I took a look at the actual AppCompat v7 styles, found here.

If you look at the Base.Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar style, it has:

<item name="contentInsetStart">@dimen/abc_action_bar_content_inset_material</item>
<item name="contentInsetEnd">@dimen/abc_action_bar_content_inset_material</item>

So obviously we just need to override those properties in our own action bar style:

<style name="ActionBar" parent="@style/Base.Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar">
        <item name="contentInsetStart">0dp</item>
        <item name="contentInsetEnd">0dp</item>

This worked great for me, hope it helps others too.

Solution 5

After much beating my head against the monitor, this worked for me

 Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) actionBar.getCustomView().getParent();
        toolbar.setContentInsetsAbsolute(0, 0);
        toolbar.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);

The getCustomView().getParent() is what did the trick

Stevie Kideckel
Author by

Stevie Kideckel

Updated on August 14, 2020


  • Stevie Kideckel
    Stevie Kideckel over 3 years

    So, I just updated my codebase to Lollipop, and I'm having issues with the Action Bar. I'm using AppCompat and ActionBarActivity, and inflating a custom view. It seems that the custom view no longer takes up the whole width of the screen, leaving a thin strip on the left

    Building with 19 Way it used to look

    Building with 21 Way it looks now

    This is the code I'm using to set up the Action Bar. Anyone have any ideas?

    final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    if(actionBar != null) {
        // actionBar.setStackedBackgroundDrawable(null);
        TextView title = (TextView) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(;
        ImageView back = (ImageView) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(;
        back.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {


    Taking out the custom view and changing the background now takes up the whole width. So the issue is, how can we make a CustomView take up the whole width of the ActionBar?

  • Ahmed Nawaz
    Ahmed Nawaz over 9 years
    I am trying to use Toolbar with navigation drawer however I am getting error Error inflating class fragment
  • Muzikant
    Muzikant over 9 years
    All the relevant code is shared on the answer. Looks like you should start a new question for your case as it seems like a different problem.
  • Ahmed Nawaz
    Ahmed Nawaz over 9 years
    Thanks. I solved the problem by replacing actionbar with Toolbar.
  • JPMagalhaes
    JPMagalhaes over 9 years
    Thanks so much! You saved my day! But I'm still looking for a way to put the bottom divider of action bars in my toolbar. Actually, I don't know if it is really a divider in the action bar. It is normally bellow the action bar and it is really a shadow over the content. Any idea?
  • Liminal
    Liminal over 9 years
    You shouldn't use explicit package names in the namespace declarations. Use xmlns:app=""
  • Matt Wolfe
    Matt Wolfe over 9 years
    Do you add the custom view to the new Toolbar or by using actionbar.setCustomView()?
  • Muzikant
    Muzikant over 9 years
    There is no need for setCustomView. Just build a layout file with the widgets you want to include in your toolbar (e.g. add child views to the layout file described in section 3 of the answer)
  • SBotirov
    SBotirov over 9 years
    This answer is wrong: android:contentInsetStart requires API level 21 (current min is 14)
  • SBotirov
    SBotirov over 9 years
    But, idiom very good! You need write style separately for api 21 and old versions.
  • Chitrang
    Chitrang over 9 years
    Not able to get click event in onOptionsItemSelected with setSupportActionBar(actionBar);, can you please provide solution for this.
  • Tooroop
    Tooroop over 9 years
    This is the correct answer to remove the left margin if you are still using the default action bar.
  • BoD
    BoD over 9 years
    This works indeed! With the latest version of the support lib, I think you don't need to declare the attributes twice (the android: ones are not necessary).
  • digitalmidges
    digitalmidges about 9 years
    thanks! thanks! the last 2 lines was what ive been looking for!
  • void
    void about 9 years
    I added following in toolbar app:contentInsetEnd="0dp" app:contentInsetStart="0dp" and it is working now!
  • user1732313
    user1732313 almost 9 years
    I've been searching for this problem and when I've found your answer I see that I already upvoted it! So thanks twice.
  • Bala Vishnu
    Bala Vishnu almost 9 years
    Worked for me..Thanks
  • Justin
    Justin over 8 years
    Didn't work for me, still have the left/right padding.
  • Stevie Kideckel
    Stevie Kideckel over 8 years
    Yep, as the chosen answer states, the key is the contentInsetStart and contentInsetEnd attributes of the ActionBar/Toolbar. It's valid to define your own style, but you can also set them to 0dp on the attributes of the Toolbar in your xml
  • h_k
    h_k over 8 years
    This only works when extending AppCompatActivity, as setSupportActionBar(ToolBar) is not available in a regular Activity. Any workaround without having to use AppCompatActivity?
  • Mahdi
    Mahdi over 8 years
    @Muzikant thanks for your answer. when I put my sutom action bar i doesn't have shadow as normal action bar. how or where I can implement it to have shadow?
  • praxmon
    praxmon over 8 years
    I am supporting the 14th API version and sadly it does not work. Minimum supported version is 21. Any work around?
  • Md. Sajedul Karim
    Md. Sajedul Karim about 8 years
    Thanks a lot. You saves my life. The tonic code is app:contentInsetEnd="0dp" app:contentInsetStart="0dp"
  • Zen
    Zen about 8 years
    Where do we add these lines? After the Toolbar part?
  • Amrut Bidri
    Amrut Bidri about 8 years
    @summers yes add them immediately after toolbar code.
  • avluis
    avluis about 8 years
    This was killing me: app:contentInsetEnd="0dp" app:contentInsetStart="0dp" 10xs