android - MediaRecorder throws illegalstateexception


Solution 1

The problem isn't in stop, but in start. It doesn't start correctly, that's why you can't stop it later.

Check couple of things: a) That you added persmission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO

b) That you write to SD card (I am not sure it's requirement, but I believe I had problem writing to internal memory). You will need permission to write to SD card.

c) Also, try to set onErrorListener

d) Try to reset() MediaPlayer before any other calls I would recommend to read this article Android's MediaRecorder states is the nightmare.

Solution 2

It looks like that error is thrown when you call stop() from an invalid state.

The activity cycle for the recorder also seems to indicate you need to prepare() it before you can start recording - are you doing that? stop() isn't a valid command unless the recorder is at least prepared.

If you are, maybe it takes a moment for the recorder to actually settle in a valid state before you can later call stop(). You are calling it immediately after start() so maybe something is happening there.

Author by


Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    I am trying to develop a simple android audio recorder.Everything builds fine and it also runs fine on the android device. It seems like i can start the recording but when i want to stop it throws a IllegalStateException. I can't find the mistake. Here is the code:

    public class VoiceRecorder {
    MediaRecorder recorder= new MediaRecorder();
    static Context cont;
    public void startRecord(Context context) throws IllegalStateException, IOException{
        cont = context;
    public void stopRecording(Context context) {
        cont = context;
        File file = new File (cont.getFilesDir()+"/recordings.3gp");
        UploadFile.uploadFile("recordings.3gp", file);
        recorder = null;

    I want to trigger it with:

    VoiceRecorder vr = new VoiceRecorder();



    when calling start Logcat says: (what should be ok)

    09-06 22:56:42.830: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): audpre_index = 0, tx_iir_index = 0
    09-06 22:56:42.840: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpre: 0x0000
    09-06 22:56:42.850: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
    09-06 22:56:42.850: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
    09-06 22:56:42.850: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
    09-06 22:56:42.860: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
    09-06 22:56:42.870: D/AudioFlinger(123): setParameters(): io 3, keyvalue routing=262144;vr_mode=0, tid 156, calling tid 123
    09-06 22:56:42.870: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
    09-06 22:56:42.880: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): audpre_index = 0, tx_iir_index = 0
    09-06 22:56:42.880: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpre: 0x0000
    09-06 22:56:42.880: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): do input routing device 40000
    09-06 22:56:42.880: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
    09-06 22:56:42.890: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001

    But when i call stop:

    09-06 22:59:52.440: E/MediaRecorder(1069): stop called in an invalid state: 1
    09-06 22:59:52.440: W/System.err(1069): java.lang.IllegalStateException
    09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at Method)
    09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at de.spyapp.VoiceRecorder.stopRecording(
    09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at de.spyapp.CheckCMD.checkCMD(
    09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at de.spyapp.AppActivity$
    09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at
  • TheMaster42
    TheMaster42 almost 12 years
    Not allowed to post more than two hyperlinks. Some further reading: -… -
  • Admin
    Admin almost 12 years
    all permissions are ok. i tried changing to sd card and did a reset at beginning of startrecording method. Now logcat tells me sth new on .start(): 09-06 23:34:20.310: D/audio_input(123): DoStop: X 09-06 23:34:20.330: D/audio_input(123): DoReset: E 09-06 23:34:20.340: D/audio_input(123): DoReset: X 09-06 23:34:20.340: E/audio_input(123): unsupported parameter: x-pvmf/media-input-node/cap-config-interface;valtype=key_spe‌​cific_value 09-06 23:34:20.340: E/audio_input(123): VerifyAndSetParameter failed
  • Admin
    Admin almost 12 years
    hmm i called the prepare before start and i'm waiting like 20sec untill i call the stop
  • Neil C. Obremski
    Neil C. Obremski over 8 years
    This answer is referencing MediaPlayer but the OP is asking about MediaRecorder