Android NDK - arm-linux-androideabi-g++: not found


The error you're getting is caused by a missing toolchain invocation - rather, the arm-linux-androideabi-g++ command/executable/binary was nowhere to be found.

Luckily, we can get around that by installing the Standalone toolchain - that one actually has the exact thing you're missing, a general purpose arm-linux-androideabi cross-compiler instead of some other, a bit more obscure, vendor/platform-specific crosscompiler/toolchain, such as armv7a-marvell-linux-android which is what marvell uses, or arm-linux-android which is what Clang uses. For more info on Clang, look here. I could be wrong though and that Clang actually produces a arm-linux-androideabi toolchain out of the box, but I'm unsure. I know you can use it easily, I'm just unsure if it can be used "straight out of the box" which is what you're looking for. The "rest of the work" is just a few path exports - but still. We're aiming for the laziest solution here.

The standalone toolchain should be quite sufficient for your task, so try using it as much as possible over any other cross-compilation solutions.

However, if you're feeling adventurous - you're free to make your own cross-compiler (or the whole toolchain!) using the crosstool-ng tool. However, try to stick with the Linaro libc branch; personal experience showed me that one somehow works the best and causes the least amount of problems/time wasted.

Also, make sure you download the right one for your architecture (arch) and OS, 32bit vs 64bit matters here as well. After a lengthy discussion, we realized it was a "32bit vs 64bit" problem. Here's a link to read more about it.

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Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Virus721
    Virus721 almost 2 years

    I am trying to build the C++ POCO library for an Android target in a fresh Ubuntu that I just installed for that.

    I have installed the Android NDK in /home/user/dev/Android/android-ndk-r9-x86 and added the path to the NDK in the environement variables using :

    export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/user/dev/Android/android-ndk-r9-x86

    To build the libraries I first move to the root directory of the POCO library, and configure it using :

    ./configure --omit=NetSSL_OpenSSL,Crypto,Data/ODBC,Data/MySQL --static --config=Android

    So that it compiles static .a libraries, doesn't compile the modules I don't want and compiles for an Android target.

    But than calling make causes the following error :

    user@user-VirtualBox:~/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1$ make
    make -C /home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Foundation
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Foundation'
    ** Compiling src/ArchiveStrategy.cpp (debug, static)
    arm-linux-androideabi-g++  -Iinclude -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/CppUnit/include -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/CppUnit/WinTestRunner/include -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Foundation/include -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/XML/include -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/JSON/include -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Util/include -I/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Net/include -mthumb -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64 -frtti -fexceptions -DPOCO_BUILD_HOST=user-VirtualBox  -DPOCO_ANDROID -DPOCO_NO_FPENVIRONMENT -DPOCO_NO_WSTRING -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDMEMORY  -g -D_DEBUG  -c src/ArchiveStrategy.cpp -o /home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Foundation/obj/Android/armeabi/debug_static/ArchiveStrategy.o
    sh: 1: arm-linux-androideabi-g++: not found
    make[1]: *** [/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Foundation/obj/Android/armeabi/debug_static/ArchiveStrategy.o] Error 127
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/dev/Lib/POCO/poco-1.6.1/Foundation'
    make: *** [Foundation-libexec] Error 2

    Make seems unable to find the compiler used for Android, and I have no idea why ? What am I missing ? Did i forget something when "installing" the NDK ?

    Thank you.

  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    Thanks for taking the time to answer. I will try to setup this toolchain.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    Thanks for taking the time to accept the answer if it helped you.
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    So what I have done is (according to the procedure described in the link you gave me) : 1) install g++, install cmake (not sure that was needed), install the NDK r9, 2) define the env var ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to point to the root directory of the NDK, 3) export APP_ABI=arm-linux-androideabi-4.8, 4) SYSROOT=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/platforms/android-18/arch-arm, 5) Created a toolchain using $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/build/tools/ --arch=arm --platform=android-18 --install-dir=/tmp/my-android-toolchain --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.8
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    6) export PATH=/tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin:$PATH, 7) export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc, 8) export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++ 9) Configured the POCO lib build using : ./configure --omit=NetSSL_OpenSSL,Crypto,Data/ODBC,Data/MySQL --static --config=Android --cflags="-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16" 10) make. But i'm still getting the error so I must be missing something. Do you have any idea ? Thank you.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    do your POCO lib Makefiles/ files reference CC or do they target arm-linux-androideabi-g++ directly?
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    I'm very unfamiliar with make files so I'm not sure, but I think they do reference the CC and CXX variables. There are things like : $(OBJPATH_DEBUG_STATIC)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp $(DEPPATH)/%.d @echo "** Compiling" $< "(debug, static)" $(CXX) $(INCLUDE) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEBUGOPT_CXX) $(STATICOPT_CXX) -c $< -o $@
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    Should I redefine the value of $CC and $CXX so that they directly point to tine gcc and g++ binaries located to /tmp/my-custom-toolchain/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/gcc and g++ binaries ? Or maybe that I should just set $CC to gcc and $CXX to g++
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    Yes and no. CC should always point to gcc and CXX to g++ Export CC to point to the -gcc binary, and export CXX to point to -g++ binary and retry please :)
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    I have tried both options 1) setting CC to just gcc and CXX to just g++, but it didn't work since gcc and g++ are located in /tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi/ while the path added to $PATH is just /tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin/ 2) Setting CC and CXX with an absolute path to /tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi/gcc (and g++ too), but I'm getting the same result.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    In that case, we need to go a bit deeper... please post the lines (output) of a few compilation lines, we need to see if it's actually 'hitting' the compiler at all and if the compiler is throwing an error, or if we're 'missing' and the OS is giving us "I can't find that thing there" error. But don't post them in the comments please :) P.S. so far the error I see in your opening post is the OS telling you "i can't find that thing there"
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    Well the compilation ends with the error i posted in my question. It doesn't go any farther since it can't find arm-linux-androideabi-g++ which DOES exist in /tmp/my-android-toolchain/ and thus in the path.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    try invoking it from terminal if it should work ? if you can't invoke it from terminal, don't expect the script to be able to either :) when terminal invocation works fine, then you can tackle fixing the script.
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    Good point ! It is not found when called directly from the terminal.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    if you're not quite sure what will be ran, add a --just-print C tag / build flag. that one should print everything but not do anything. should help you in figuring out the root cause of the problem :)
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    It's strange. It keeps saying /tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++: No such file or directory even if I specify a full path. Maybe that it's just not an executable file.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    run file arm-linux-androideabi-g++ or chmod 777 arm-linux-androideabi-g++
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    file says : /tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped and chmod didn't help :( EDIT Maybe that one of the dynamically loaded .so files required by this executable is missing ?
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    no, you're not missing anything, the file is just missing the executable flag, but chmod 777 will take care of all those silly file-permission-related problems for you :) Run ls -all and see if the file has an x somewhere next to it.
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    Well the file does have the X flag in all three columns of ls, but I still tried to chmod 777on that file and nothing changed.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    IF the file has an x next to it, yet still can't be ran - download the one for your OS instead of the windows x86 one.
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    Well this file was created by toolchain creator of the NDK for Linux, which indeed I transfered from my host Windows to my Linux VM, but it was zipped and as I downloaded it. Where else could I get this ?
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    ... you didn't make a Windows->ARM crosscompiler (on win) and transferred that to the Linux machine, did you? :) try invoking the compiler on teh windows machine, if it runs - then that's the problem. it shouldn't run. you're not making a canadian-cross toolchain (machine1 making a toolchain for machine2 which will build for machine3), just a cross-compiler (machine1 makes a toolchain and builds for machine2)
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    No no. I transfered the compressed NDK as I downloaded it from my WIndows to my Linux VM, extracted and installed it on Linux and done all the operations explained in the link you gave me on Linux. Nothing was done on windows, except downloading the NDK. EDIT Ok i will try copying it to windows.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    downloading the NDK has nothing to do with it, not being able to run the linux compiler on linux is the problem. that should be fixed somehow before attempting to run the makefile again. once gcc --version gives an output, then run the makefile :) but make sure you run your gcc, and not the default one present on the system
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    and by the way - the NDK and the crosscompiler are still unrelated things. once the crosscompiler starts working, then they'll start relating.
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    It doesn't run on Windows as I expected. Anyway, thank you very much for your help. I'll try to find out why it won't execute.
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    I forgot to mentio that ls displays that file in green, if it matters.
  • Shark
    Shark over 8 years
    green is good. that means it's executable. just go to it's folder and try running it to get an output from it or the OS about why can't it execute it :)
  • Virus721
    Virus721 over 8 years
    I found the solution :… Please add it to your answer :)