Android - open or restart app after clicking push notification using flag activities


Solution 1

You need to set the Intent flags on the Intent. You were specifying them in the call to get a PendingIntent. Try this:

notificationIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | 
PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
    notificationIntent, 0);

Solution 2

set following things in your Android Mainfest file

 android:launchMode = "singleTop"
Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • DijkeMark
    DijkeMark almost 2 years

    I am using push notifications in Android. When I receive a push notification, I want to open the application if it is still running, else it should open a new instance of it.

    I am using

    PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 

    But when I receive a push notification now and I click on it, nothing happens.

    How can I still achieve this by using flagIntents?

  • DijkeMark
    DijkeMark over 11 years
    Yes, this works. Ecpet now I have another problem. Is there a way execure te code I have in onCreate(), because it contains the same code the push notification has to do. Now the onCreate isn't called, thus the code is not being executed.
  • David Wasser
    David Wasser over 11 years
    If you don't set the flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, then the current instance of the activity will be destroyed and a new instance will be created (thereby calling onCreate()).
  • Tooroop
    Tooroop almost 10 years
    this is not working for you have to set a particular launch mode in the manifest for this activity?
  • David Wasser
    David Wasser almost 10 years
    @Tooroop no you don't. What is not working? Can you be more specific?
  • Tooroop
    Tooroop over 9 years
    I add a flag to the Intent so depending on that flag I open a fragment in my activity. This is OK when I exit my app via back button, but if I exit my app with the home button or when my app is already opened nothing happens.
  • Tooroop
    Tooroop over 9 years
    Looks like I solved it. My onNewIntent() method wouldn't be called if I set Intent.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP or launchMode="singleTop" or even btoh at the same time. I added : Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); and in the manifest i set launchMode="singleTask". Now it is working as expected
  • David Wasser
    David Wasser over 9 years
    @Tooroop in general, singleTask launch mode is a very bad idea :-( It sounds like you've got something else going on. In general, if you set Intent.FLAG_ACTIVIY_NEW_TASK and are using your root activity (ie: the starting activity) and your app is already running, Android will just bring your app's task to the front without calling onCreate() or onNewIntent().
  • Moritz
    Moritz over 9 years
    I'm experiencing the same issue as @Tooroop. The target activity of the notification just launches as if no flags were set at all and does not receive a call to onNewIntent. @David Wasser: Why is singleTask a bad idea?
  • David Wasser
    David Wasser over 9 years
    @Moritz perhaps you should post a new question, include your manifest and a description of the problem. It is difficult to diagnose these things in comments to an answer :-( I could write a book about why singleTask is a bad idea. Basically you just need to know exactly what you are doing and a lot of developers misuse these launch modes. In general, it creates more problems than it solves: You can end up with multiple tasks which will confuse the user; You need to make sure you have different icons and/or labels for the tasks so as not to confuse the user...
  • Renan Franca
    Renan Franca over 9 years
    To solve the mistery… @Tooroop
  • Yousha Aleayoub
    Yousha Aleayoub over 7 years
    Why android:noHistory="true" and android:launchMode = "singleTop" ?