Android Room Persistence Library: Upsert


Solution 1

Perhaps you can make your BaseDao like this.

secure the upsert operation with @Transaction, and try to update only if insertion is failed.

public abstract class BaseDao<T> {
    * Insert an object in the database.
     * @param obj the object to be inserted.
     * @return The SQLite row id
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
    public abstract long insert(T obj);

     * Insert an array of objects in the database.
     * @param obj the objects to be inserted.
     * @return The SQLite row ids   
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
    public abstract List<Long> insert(List<T> obj);

     * Update an object from the database.
     * @param obj the object to be updated
    public abstract void update(T obj);

     * Update an array of objects from the database.
     * @param obj the object to be updated
    public abstract void update(List<T> obj);

     * Delete an object from the database
     * @param obj the object to be deleted
    public abstract void delete(T obj);

    public void upsert(T obj) {
        long id = insert(obj);
        if (id == -1) {

    public void upsert(List<T> objList) {
        List<Long> insertResult = insert(objList);
        List<T> updateList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < insertResult.size(); i++) {
            if (insertResult.get(i) == -1) {

        if (!updateList.isEmpty()) {

Solution 2

For more elegant way to do that I would suggest two options:

Checking for return value from insert operation with IGNORE as a OnConflictStrategy (if it equals to -1 then it means row wasn't inserted):

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
long insert(Entity entity);

@Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
void update(Entity entity);

public void upsert(Entity entity) {
    long id = insert(entity);
    if (id == -1) {

Handling exception from insert operation with FAIL as a OnConflictStrategy:

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.FAIL)
void insert(Entity entity);

@Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.FAIL)
void update(Entity entity);

public void upsert(Entity entity) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLiteConstraintException exception) {

Solution 3

I could not find a SQLite query that would insert or update without causing unwanted changes to my foreign key, so instead I opted to insert first, ignoring conflicts if they occurred, and updating immediately afterwards, again ignoring conflicts.

The insert and update methods are protected so external classes see and use the upsert method only. Keep in mind that this isn't a true upsert as if any of the MyEntity POJOS have null fields, they will overwrite what may currently be in the database. This is not a caveat for me, but it may be for your application.

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
protected abstract void insert(List<MyEntity> entities);

@Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
protected abstract void update(List<MyEntity> entities);

public void upsert(List<MyEntity> entities) {

Solution 4

If the table has more than one column, you can use

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)

to replace a row.

Reference - Go to tips Android Room Codelab

Solution 5

This is the code in Kotlin:

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(entity: Entity): Long

@Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun update(entity: Entity)

fun upsert(entity: Entity) {
  val id = insert(entity)
   if (id == -1L) {
Author by


Updated on January 02, 2022


  • Tunji_D
    Tunji_D over 2 years

    Android's Room persistence library graciously includes the @Insert and @Update annotations that work for objects or collections. I however have a use case (push notifications containing a model) that would require an UPSERT as the data may or may not exist in the database.

    Sqlite doesn't have upsert natively, and workarounds are described in this SO question. Given the solutions there, how would one apply them to Room?

    To be more specific, how can I implement an insert or update in Room that would not break any foreign key constraints? Using insert with onConflict=REPLACE will cause the onDelete for any foreign key to that row to be called. In my case onDelete causes a cascade, and reinserting a row will cause rows in other tables with the foreign key to be deleted. This is NOT the intended behavior.

  • jcuypers
    jcuypers over 6 years
    you might want to make it more efficient and check for return values. -1 signals conflict of whatever kind.
  • Tunji_D
    Tunji_D about 6 years
    this works well for individual entities, but is hard to implement for a collection. It'd be nice to filter what collections were inserted and filter them out from the update.
  • Ohmnibus
    Ohmnibus about 6 years
    Better mark the upsert method with the @Transaction annotation
  • Tunji_D
    Tunji_D about 6 years
    @DanielWilson it depends on your application, this answer works well for single entities, however it's not applicable for a list of entities which is what I have.
  • Tunji_D
    Tunji_D about 6 years
    This would be bad for performance as there will be multiple database interactions for every element in the list.
  • yeonseok.seo
    yeonseok.seo about 6 years
    @Tunji_D can you be more specific? Which part is bad for performance?
  • Tunji_D
    Tunji_D about 6 years
    for each insert in the for loop, Room will create and execute multiple sql statements and transactions, each with their respective Java Object allocations and garbage collection overhead. This article goes into a bit more detail…
  • yeonseok.seo
    yeonseok.seo about 6 years
    but, there is NO "insert in the for loop".
  • Tunji_D
    Tunji_D about 6 years
    you're absolutely right! I missed that, I thought you were inserting in the for loop. That's a great solution.
  • Sebastian Corradi
    Sebastian Corradi almost 6 years
    I guess the proper way to do this is asking if the value was already on the DB (using its primary key). you can do that using a abstractClass (to replace the dao interface) or using the class that call to the object's dao
  • Benoit Duffez
    Benoit Duffez over 5 years
    This is gold. This led me to Florina's post, which you should read:‌​1 — thanks for the hint @yeonseok.seo!
  • Pablo Rodriguez
    Pablo Rodriguez over 5 years
    When you check if the id is -1, shouldn't it be -1L ? or it does not matter at all?
  • yeonseok.seo
    yeonseok.seo over 5 years
    @PRA as far as i know, it doesn't matter at all.… Long will be unboxed to long and integer equality test will be performed. please point me to the right direction if i'm wrong.
  • ElliotM
    ElliotM over 5 years
    For whatever reason, when I do the first approach, inserting an already existing ID returns a row number greater than what exists, not -1L.
  • Alexandr Zhurkov
    Alexandr Zhurkov over 5 years
    Please don't use this method. If you have any foreign keys looking at your data, it will trigger onDelete listener and you probably don't want that
  • aurilio
    aurilio over 5 years
    @yeonseok.seo In case of autogenerate primary key we would need to query for object first and then only we can update it. Do you know any other way ?
  • Vikas Pandey
    Vikas Pandey over 5 years
    @AlexandrZhurkov, I guess it should trigger on update only, then any listener if implemented this would do it correctly. Anyway if we have listener on the data and onDelete triggers then it must be handled by code
  • Barryrowe
    Barryrowe about 5 years
    Are there known scenarios where a conflict will not return -1L? It doesn't seem like I ever get a conflict result, the current rowId (in my case the PK since it's an Int) just returns whether a conflict is found or not.
  • Levon Vardanyan
    Levon Vardanyan about 5 years
    @Ohmnibus no ,because documentation says > Putting this annotation on an Insert, Update or Delete method has no impact because they are always run inside a transaction. Similarly, if it is annotated with Query but runs an update or delete statement, it is automatically wrapped in a transaction. See Transaction doc
  • Ohmnibus
    Ohmnibus about 5 years
    @LevonVardanyan the example in the page you linked show a method very similar to upsert, containing an insert and a delete. Also, we're not putting the annotation to an insert or update, but to a method that contains both.
  • m3g4tr0n
    m3g4tr0n about 5 years
    In Kotlin Methods marked with @Transaction should be open like open fun upsert(List<MyEntity> entities)
  • ubuntudroid
    ubuntudroid about 5 years
    @AlexandrZhurkov This works well when setting deferred = true on the entity with the foreign key.
  • isabsent
    isabsent over 4 years
    What do you mean? ON CONFLICT UPDATE SET a = 1, b = 2 is not supported by Room @Queryannotation.
  • Kibotu
    Kibotu over 4 years
    long id = insert(entity) should be val id = insert(entity) for kotlin
  • binrebin
    binrebin almost 4 years
    @Sam, how to deal with null values where I do not want to update with null but retain old value. ?
  • Shadow
    Shadow over 3 years
    @ubuntudroid It does not work well even when setting that flag on the entities foreign key, just tested. The delete call still goes through once the transactions complete because it does not get dismissed during the process, it just doesn't occur when it happens but at the end of the transaction still.
  • Rawa
    Rawa over 3 years
    This seems like it is flawed? It does not properly create a transaction.
  • Dr.jacky
    Dr.jacky over 3 years
    As Ohmnibus said on the other answer, better mark the upsert method with the @Transaction annotation –…
  • Hylke
    Hylke over 3 years
    Can you explain why the @Update annotation has a conflict strategy of FAIL or IGNORE? In what cases will Room consider an update query to have a conflict anyways? If I would naively interpret the conflict strategy on the Update annotation, i would say that when there is something to update there is a conflict, and thus it will never update. But thats not the behaviour im seeing. Can there even be conflicts on update queries? Or do conflicts arise if an update causes another unique key constrain to fail?
  • The incredible Jan
    The incredible Jan over 3 years
    @m3g4tr0n Why? "open" is for supporting extensions. Why should this matter here? I can't see the connection.
  • zafar142003
    zafar142003 over 2 years
    OnConflictStrategy.FAIL is deprecated now in version 2.3.0. According to documentation "OnConflictStrategy.FAIL does not work as expected. The transaction is rolled back. Use OnConflictStrategy.ABORT instead". See…
  • James Bond
    James Bond over 2 years
    The problem is this is NOT SQLite UPSERT equivalent. For example, if you have a unique key in the table, and you are inserting some row with 0 primary key and existing unique key with OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE strategy, then the row will not be inserted since unique key duplication, as expected. The problem is 0 primary key is a valid value for insert, but the wrong value for update, and the row will not be updated. In raw SQLite, you can use ON CONFLICT(word) DO UPDATE to handle this case.
  • James Bond
    James Bond over 2 years
    But you execute multiple update requests... What if you have a list of 100 items?
  • James Bond
    James Bond over 2 years
    The only one answer with real upsert... I have a feeling that other posters just don't understand that the main feature of upsert is the ability to update a row when you don't know its ID. With upsert DB can automatically update the row using unique constraint only, without a primary key, without additional requests.
  • devger
    devger over 2 years
    Yes, this is real UPSERT from Sqlite. But you can see it's supported only in Android 11 and 12, but in prior versions it's not supported. Now, Android Room still doesn't support annotations for UPSERT feature in Android 11 and 12 even though Sqlite on devices with this versions support it. So, we have only @Query("") option to call real UPSERT feature on Android 11 and 12. Also, the most of answers here are posted at the time when there were no Android 11 and 12, so Sqlite versions on devices were not supporting UPSERT, that's why people had to use some workarounds.