Android Sqlite order by desc not working correctly


Solution 1

i want result: 2.1, 6.6, 7.5..... so on

That's an ascending order, not descending. Ascending is the default but you can also specify ORDER BY column ASC.

Id: 8 ,Score: 10.1 ,Letter: S
Id: 6 ,Score: 11.1 ,Letter: S
Id: 7 ,Score: 2.1 ,Letter: S 
Id: 3 ,Score: 6.6 ,Letter: S 
Id: 2 ,Score: 7.5 ,Letter: S 
Id: 4 ,Score: 8.8 ,Letter: S 
Id: 1 ,Score: 9.4 ,Letter: S 
Id: 5 ,Score: 9.7 ,Letter: S

This is an ascending order but sorted lexicographically (alphabetically), not numerically. If you want numerical sorting, either set the gpoint column type to REAL or cast the values to REAL:

CREATE TABLE ... (... gpoint REAL ...)



Solution 2

please change this query:

String selectQuery = "SELECT  * FROM " + TABLE_SCORES+" ORDER BY gpoint DESC";

convert gpoint on REAL .

String selectQuery = "SELECT  * FROM " + TABLE_SCORES+" ORDER BY cast(gpoint as REAL) DESC";

i hope this is useful.

Munkhdemberel L
Author by

Munkhdemberel L

Updated on June 30, 2022


  • Munkhdemberel L
    Munkhdemberel L almost 2 years

    I am very new to Android with Sqlite database programming. I want to order by desc my game score column. Game score columns type is real and when i try to order by gpoint and desc not working correctly. Please give me some advice. Code is below:

    public List<Score> getAllScores() {
                List<Score> scoreList = new ArrayList<Score>();
                String selectQuery = "SELECT  * FROM " + TABLE_SCORES+" ORDER BY gpoint DESC";
                SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
                Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);
                if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                    do {
                        Score score = new Score();
                        scoreList.add(0, score);
                    } while (cursor.moveToNext());
                return scoreList;

    my test insertions are:

                Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            String formattedDate = df.format(c.getTime());
            Log.d("Insert: ", "Inserting .."); 
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)9.4, "S",formattedDate));        
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)7.5, "S",formattedDate));        
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)6.6, "S",formattedDate));        
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)8.8, "S",formattedDate));        
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)9.7, "S",formattedDate));
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)11.1, "S",formattedDate));
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)2.1, "S",formattedDate));
            db.addScoreToDB(new Score((float)10.1, "S",formattedDate));

    result is:

    12-24 15:52:24.065: D/Insert:(9901): Inserting .. 12-24 15:52:24.290: D/Reading:(9901): Reading all contacts..
    Id: 8 ,Score: 10.1 ,Letter: S
    Id: 6 ,Score: 11.1 ,Letter: S
    Id: 7 ,Score: 2.1 ,Letter: S
    Id: 3 ,Score: 6.6 ,Letter: S
    Id: 2 ,Score: 7.5 ,Letter: S
    Id: 4 ,Score: 8.8 ,Letter: S
    Id: 1 ,Score: 9.4 ,Letter: S
    Id: 5 ,Score: 9.7 ,Letter: S

    i want result: 2.1, 6.6, 7.5..... so on