Android Studio emulator is not working


Solution 1

It's working now!

How did i solved? I copied the AVM's i created from c:\user\\avd and pasted them at c:\\avd.

Tbh i don't know why this happened but when i installed Android studio it created the first directory to put the avd's, while the HOME variable points to the second directory.

After that i had a second problem, it said it couldn't create the temp file... I just had to execute Android studio with administrative privileges.

I hope it helps.

Solution 2

I was facing same issue when installed and configured android studio on ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit).

After installation android studio successfully, when I run my app, I faced below issue:

Cannot launch AVD in emulator. Output: PANIC: HOME is defined but could not find Nexus_5_API_21.ini file in $HOME/.android/avd (Note: avd is searched in the order of $ANDROID_AVD_HOME,$ANDROID_SDK_HOME/.android/avd and $HOME/.android/avd)

I discovered reason of issue and find solution of the same. Reason was that I had downloaded android_studio at home directory (path:/home/ubuntu/android_studio). When I started studio (by using command: $sudo sh /home/ubuntu/android_studio/bin/, which is actually installed at path /root/, it is trying to access "root" user files at path /root/.android/avd

Ready to use solution is: Use command with root user ie

#sh /home/ubuntu/android_studio/bin/

in place of of

$sudo sh /home/ubuntu/android_studio/bin/

Solution 3

Im glad you have solved the problem. This is the ubuntu version of your problem. This explains why you need to admin privileges.

Solution 4

Add environment variables ANDROID_AVD_HOME or ANDROID_SDK_HOME as your emulator really in(show in capture below). avd manager create emulator in maybe in another directory(default C:\Users[User Name].android\avd on Windows). As message show in tips, avd will search xxxx/.android/avd. So you setting environment variables above can solve the problem. enter image description here


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I've graduated in Engenieer on the field of Eletronics and technologies of telecomunication and information. I like to do simple things that make life easier.

Updated on September 12, 2020


  • Nmaster88
    Nmaster88 almost 4 years

    i´ve searched about an awnser for this problem, tried many things, but still it doesn't Work. I'm using a win7 64-bit version. I've set the ANDROID_SDK_HOME variable and... nothing. With the path: C:\Users\Nuno\Favorites\.android\avd

    The error is this:

    Cannot launch AVD in emulator.
    PANIC: HOME is defined but could not find PhoneTest.ini file in $HOME\.android\avd
    (Note: avd is searched in the order of $ANDROID_AVD_HOME,$ANDROID_SDK_HOME\.android\avd and $HOME\.android\avd)

    Can someone help me?

  • Kalel Wade
    Kalel Wade over 9 years
    This would probably be better as a comment asking if they have the most recent version. This doesn't answer the question to solve the issue he is having.
  • Antonio Sesto
    Antonio Sesto over 9 years
    It could help, but I did not understand: what did you exactly do?
  • Stalin Gino
    Stalin Gino over 8 years
    Thanks, this is clearly admin privilage issue. In my windows, I've started Android Studio as administrator to resolve the issue.
  • trees_are_great
    trees_are_great over 6 years
    The files had been installed in a different folder to the one expected. search 'avd' and check if you have multiple of these folders on your machine. You can then copy from one to the other.
