android update project --path . --target android-25 on ubuntu 16.04


I was getting error unsupported command "update project" because I was using sdk with tools version 26.0.1. As this command is deprecated now so it is already removed from tools version 25.3.0

I found this in documentation

So, if still want to fire this command then you have you downgrade your sdk tools to version 25.2.5 or less.

For that rename your sdk/tools folder to tool1 or else to keep it as a backup and download required sdk tools and paste that [tools] folder inside sdk folder. I have followed this link to download sdk tools or platform-tools :

In the same way you can also upgrade your tools or platform-tools. But if you are using android-studio then I recommend to update them from SDK Manager.

One last thing, to update project using "update project" command you need to set environment variables like this:


This solved my problem.


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New to ubuntu 16.04

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Kesha
    Kesha over 1 year

    While executing command in terminal

    update project --path . --target android-25

    I am getting error

    Invalid or unsupported command "update project --path . --target android-25
    Supported commands are:
    android list target
    android list avd
    android list device
    android create avd
    android move avd
    android delete avd
    android list sdk
    android update sdk

    I have already set down environment variables using

    export JAVA_HOME=<path_to_jdk>
    export ANDROID_HOME=<path_to_sdk>
    export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_tools>:<path_to_platform_tools>:<path_to_ndk>

    One Strange thing was when I had set down this variables via command, the change doesn't reflected in /etc/environment when opened using gedit /etc/environment

    Thanks In Advance.

  • FrickeFresh
    FrickeFresh almost 7 years
    Can verify that after hours of looking Google has gave no work around other then using a pre v25.3 version. Other option is rebuild it all using Gradle like they want people now to do
  • cweiske
    cweiske over 4 years