Android upload image from gallery to server


For uploading images to a server from your application you can follow following tutorials:

  1. Uploading files to HTTP server using POST on Android.

  2. Upload image or file using http POST multi-part.

The above two url will explain you how to upload images from your application to server.

For uploading image from your photo gallery you require the path of that image file and replace the obtained path with /data/file_to_send.mp3 in first url.

To obtain path of the image from the mobile gallery you can follow the following code:

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        b1 = (Button)findViewById(;

        b1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

    public void openGallery(int req_code) {

        Intent intent = new Intent();
                               "Select file to upload "), req_code);

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            Uri selectedImageUri = data.getData();

            if (requestCode == SELECT_FILE1) {
                selectedPath1 = getPath(selectedImageUri);
                System.out.println("selectedPath1 : " + selectedPath1);

            if (requestCode == SELECT_FILE2) {
                selectedPath2 = getPath(selectedImageUri);
                System.out.println("selectedPath2 : " + selectedPath2);

            tv.setText("Selected File paths : " + selectedPath1 + "," + selectedPath2);

    public String getPath(Uri uri) {

        String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
        Cursor cursor = managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null);
        int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);

        return cursor.getString(column_index);

for downloading images you can do the following code.

    ImageView image = (ImageView)findViewById(;
    if(!ImageUrl.equals("no image")) {          
        try {

        } catch(Exception e) {     

    private Drawable grabImageFromUrl(String url) throws Exception {
          return Drawable.createFromStream((InputStream)new URL(url).getContent(), "src");
Author by


Updated on August 12, 2022


  • sbnarra
    sbnarra over 1 year

    I am trying to upload an image from the Androids photo gallery to a server. All the communication I have done has been with Object Streams but now I am unsure as to how I would do this. Oh and I have used an Input Stream to download an image where you point directly to the image using an URL. If someone could point me in the right direction would be appreciated.

    Thank You

  • Droidman
    Droidman over 11 years
    please note that data.getData(); will NOT work on Samsung devices. Use a pre-inserted Uri instead
  • Adnan Mulla
    Adnan Mulla almost 11 years
    Well it works on latest devices atleast !
  • Parth Dani
    Parth Dani almost 11 years
    @AdnanMulla Thanks...for confirming but need to tell u that when i had posted this comment. I had tested on all the device and then only I had placed my comment over here...So if it really helped you please give a up vote so it can also help other
  • blackdog
    blackdog over 9 years
    If you want to upload file(image), you just need new File(URI).
  • Zaartha
    Zaartha almost 8 years
    @blackdog Does not for gallery image. Returns null.