Android ViewPager with bottom dots


Solution 1

No need for that much code.

You can do all this stuff without coding so much by using only viewpager with tablayout.

Your main Layout:




Hook up your UI elements inactivity or fragment as follows:

Java Code:

mImageViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(;
tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(mImageViewPager, true);

That's it, you are good to go.

You will need to create the following xml resource file in the drawable folder.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <solid android:color="@color/colorAccent"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shape xmlns:android=""
            <solid android:color="@android:color/darker_gray"/>


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_indicator_selected"

    <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_indicator_default"/>

Feeling as lazy as I am? Well, all the above code is converted into a library! Usage Add the following in your gradle: implementation 'com.chabbal:slidingdotsplash:1.0.2' Add the following to your Activity or Fragment layout.


Create an integer array in strings.xml e.g.

<integer-array name="img_id_arr">

Done! Extra in order to listen page changes use addOnPageChangeListener(listener); Github link.

Solution 2

My handmade solution:

In the layout:


And in the Activity

private final static int NUM_PAGES = 5;
private ViewPager mViewPager;
private List<ImageView> dots;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // ...

public void addDots() {
    dots = new ArrayList<>();
    LinearLayout dotsLayout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PAGES; i++) {
        ImageView dot = new ImageView(this);

        LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
        dotsLayout.addView(dot, params);


    mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
        public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {

        public void onPageSelected(int position) {

        public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {

public void selectDot(int idx) {
    Resources res = getResources();
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PAGES; i++) {
        int drawableId = (i==idx)?(R.drawable.pager_dot_selected):(R.drawable.pager_dot_not_selected);
        Drawable drawable = res.getDrawable(drawableId);

Solution 3

viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new OnPageChangeListener() {
            public void onPageSelected(int position) {

                switch (position) {
    case 0:

    case 1:

    case 2:

    case 3:



            public void onPageScrolled(int arg0, float arg1, int arg2) {


            public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int arg0) {


Solution 4

I created a library to address the need for a page indicator in a ViewPager. My library contains a View called DotIndicator. To use my library, add compile 'com.matthew-tamlin:sliding-intro-screen:3.2.0' to your gradle build file.

The View can be added to your layout by adding the following:


The above code perfectly replicates the functionality of the dots on the Google Launcher homescreen, however if you want to further customise it then the following attributes can be added:

  • app:unselectedDotDiameter and app:selectedDotDiameter to set the diameters of the dots
  • app:unselectedDotColor and app:selectedDotColor to set the colors of the dots
  • app:spacingBetweenDots to change the distance between the dots
  • app:dotTransitionDuration to set the time for animating the change from small to big (and back)

Additionally, the view can be created programatically using:

DotIndicator indicator = new DotIndicator(context);

Methods exist to modify the properties, similar to the attributes. To update the indicator to show a different page as selected, just call method indicator.setSelectedItem(int, true) from inside ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.onPageSelected(int).

Here's an example of it in use:

enter image description here

If you're interested, the library was actually designed to make intro screens like the one shown in the above gif.

Github source available here:

Solution 5

ViewPagerIndicator has not been updated since 2012 and got several bugs that were never fixed.

I finally found an alternative with this light library that displays nice dots for the viewpager, here is the link:

Easy to implement!


Related videos on Youtube

Kfir Guy
Author by

Kfir Guy

Updated on July 16, 2022


  • Kfir Guy
    Kfir Guy almost 2 years

    I want to add 3 bottom dots to my ViewPager, like this.

    3 bottom dots 3 bottom dots 3 bottom dots

    I use FragmentActivity and support library ViewPager.

  • Apurva
    Apurva almost 9 years
    setOnPageChangedListener() deprecated!! Use addOnPageChangedListener() now.
  • Apurva
    Apurva almost 9 years
    Why use heavy component Layout just to put a dot? Use View instead.
  • ShawnV
    ShawnV almost 9 years
    I think the linear layout is so that it will center and group the dots.
  • Dixit Panchal
    Dixit Panchal about 8 years
    Got error at indicator.setSelectedItem(position, true); IndexOutOfBoundsException
  • Helios
    Helios about 8 years
    Which version? I thought I fixed that in 3.0.1, also what were your values for indicator.size() and position?
  • vsp
    vsp almost 8 years
    Great library! However, is there a more elegant way to update selectedItem and numberOfItems at the same time? Depending on which one is bigger, the order changes, otherwise you throw an IndexOutOfBounds exception. See this gist.
  • Helios
    Helios almost 8 years
    @vsp DotIndicator implements the SelectionIndicator interface, which means if has two useful methods which can solve your problem: int getNumberOfItems() and void setNumberOfItems(). Rather than catching the exception, you could do something like this‌​ef.
  • Helios
    Helios almost 8 years
    For anyone not following the gist conversation, there was actually a bug which has now been fixed. 3.0.2 is the latest version as of right now.
  • 0xMatthewGroves
    0xMatthewGroves almost 8 years
    This is not really a great solution, as you have to know exactly how many pages you'll be using. As soon as you add or remove a page, you're in trouble.
  • kashlo
    kashlo almost 8 years
    How to use DotIndicator class in the Activity? it says cannot resolve symbol DotIndicator
  • Helios
    Helios almost 8 years
    @zakusha sounds like it's probably an IDE error, have you tried cleaning and rebuilding he project? I've had problems with Android Studio just not finding classes that are definitely in the dependencies before. As a worst case solution, try invalidating your cache and redownloading all dependencies. Still, I'll check there's nothing wrong with the library and get back to you.
  • androidguy
    androidguy over 7 years
    Does this spread the dots across the whole parent width? You'd want the dots to be 10-20 dp apart for a page indicator.
  • Junaid
    Junaid over 7 years
    it places the dots in the center of the parent width....and yes appropriate spacing is also there between the dots...up vote if it helped you..
  • androidguy
    androidguy over 7 years
    This solution, and most of the others, adds a ViewGroup and an extra View for each page, which is unnecessary waste to draw a few circles. I went with Jake Wharton's library, but added his code directly so I could fix some small issues.
  • Eric Engel
    Eric Engel over 7 years
    Maybe I missed something, but the array going into the strings file can't find @Drawable/img 1-4. These are not mentioned here. What am I missing???
  • Junaid
    Junaid over 7 years
    hi you have to create your own array in strings.xml. and add those images mentioned in array to drawable the way 'd' of your @Drawable/img is Capital make it small...
  • Mohamed Hamdaoui
    Mohamed Hamdaoui over 7 years
    Thank you for the solution, it is working fine! but how do we detect which position we're at ? I need to know which position of tha pager we're at so I can update other views. I tried the setOnShowImageListener and tried to work with that call back, but it doesn't get called. Can you please advise ?
  • Junaid
    Junaid over 7 years
    i have updated the answer change version of library in gradle and use onPageChangeListener...
  • Mohamed Hamdaoui
    Mohamed Hamdaoui over 7 years
    I had already upvoted before I ask the question, because it already helped me a lot, but now I wish I can apvote +2 or +100 :) because adding the onPageChangeListener worked perfectly for me! And just to make it clear for anyone that may use this, you need to do your updates on the onPageSelected callback only, adding the update in the onPageScrolled callback makes it messy, it starts the update as soon as you start scrolling, which is not visually good!
  • winklerrr
    winklerrr about 7 years
    Why do we need a TabLayout?
  • cascal
    cascal about 7 years
    You can just use shape as the root element for the indicator drawables. There's no need to wrap them as individual items in a layer-list.
  • makkhay gurung
    makkhay gurung almost 7 years
    Can someone help me? I used the library and the sliding dot is visible but whenever I slide the image it doesn't move the sliding dot. In other words, if I slide the image from the corner then it will slide the image but not the sliding dot, and If I slide from the middle, it will slide the dots but not the image. I have images in my fragment and viewpager in activity_main.xml. Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :). @Juni
  • Junaid
    Junaid almost 7 years
    kindly post your question with your code on github repository so that i can look into it.
  • Eli
    Eli almost 7 years
    Nice solution that works great. However this doesn't work if you override GetPageTitleFormatted as you will end up with tabs with titles and dots.
  • Gak2
    Gak2 almost 7 years
    any way to reduce the space between the dots?
  • Erum
    Erum almost 7 years
    @Juni how will i show left side page, mid page , next page using same example with dots indicating to page 1
  • Mehdi Dehghani
    Mehdi Dehghani over 6 years
    Works perfectly Xamarin.Android. great answer.
  • Aditya Vyas-Lakhan
    Aditya Vyas-Lakhan over 6 years
    i used this but on viewpager scroll dots are not changing
  • Angad
    Angad over 6 years
    Is it possible to change the colour of dots? like white fill dots when selected and not-fill when unselected?
  • Angad
    Angad over 6 years
    Is there any documentation on how to use this library?
  • Junaid
    Junaid over 6 years
    yes change the respective indicator drawable.xml to your needs, it should work then
  • kike
    kike about 6 years
    Don't fight the framework. Android has tools for doing this as TabLayout, there is no reason for reinventing the wheel.
  • Duna
    Duna about 6 years
    Simplify to this: private void setDotSelection(int index) { dot1.setImageResource(index == 0 ? R.drawable.circle_selected :; dot2.setImageResource(index == 1 ? R.drawable.circle_selected :; dot3.setImageResource(index == 2 ? R.drawable.circle_selected :; dot4.setImageResource(index == 3 ? R.drawable.circle_selected :; dot5.setImageResource(index == 4 ? R.drawable.circle_selected :; }
  • blackHawk
    blackHawk about 6 years
    For recycler view? page indicator?
  • Sandeep Londhe
    Sandeep Londhe over 5 years
    this is the best answer.
  • abh22ishek
    abh22ishek over 5 years
    in mine dots, transition is not happening
  • schlenger
    schlenger over 5 years
    You want to use in newer Versions
  • dreinoso
    dreinoso almost 5 years
    Update: that works but you should use new components: androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager and
  • landrykapela
    landrykapela over 4 years
    the dots don't seem to slide along with the page. I use the slidingsplashview
  • katie
    katie about 4 years
    The above drawable XML looks weird until I changed shape to ring. Seems like ring is also used in the slidingdotsplash library instead of oval.
  • Junaid
    Junaid almost 4 years
    @katie It was originally "ring" but someone revised it to "oval". (And perhaps I approved the edit without reading it). Thanks for pointing out
  • Michał Jabłoński
    Michał Jabłoński almost 4 years
    What bugs do you know? Can you provide some sources?
  • Vikas Pandey
    Vikas Pandey over 3 years
    Both of these are ring shape xml drawable. yet i see rectangular boxes as seperator. app:ci_drawable=. "@drawable/selected_dot" app:ci_drawable_unselected=. "@drawable/default_dot"
  • Vikas Pandey
    Vikas Pandey over 3 years
    easy to impliment, but it shows rectengular box in selected case even though i have set circuler xmls only.
  • M. Afrashteh
    M. Afrashteh over 3 years
    How is it possible to animate dots when pages are scrolling?
  • Junaid
    Junaid over 3 years
    @M.Afrashteh You can add your own code in onPageScrolled to move the dots...or if you don't wanna do it yourself then use a library that does this
  • Aaron
    Aaron over 2 years
    This solution can be somewhat simplified. No need of the extra tab_selector.xml. See my answer