Android Volley : ImageRequest deprecated


Solution 1

I think the class is not deprecated but the constructor that you are using is deprecated.

use this constructor instead of this one

Usage example :

ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(
                             url, myResponseListener, maxWidth,
                             maxHeight, scaleType, Config.RGB_565, myErrorListener);

Solution 2

 button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            final ImageRequest imageRequest=new ImageRequest (url, new Response.Listener<Bitmap>() {
                public void onResponse(Bitmap response) {

            },0,0, ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP,null, new Response.ErrorListener() {
                public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Some Thing Goes Wrong",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

            });emphasized text

Solution 3

I've used Square's Picaso library as an alternative. It works well; you can check it out at

Author by


Newbie. I don't mind being called noob~ as long as i can learn! Thank you.

Updated on July 21, 2022


  • kid
    kid almost 2 years

    I'm on Android Studio version 1.4. I'm using the Android Volley library (I use the mcxiaoke mirror here). But the ImageRequest is deprecated. The code still works but deprecated. Has anyone found an alternative for this?

    I've search for this issue in Google but didn't find any solution.

    Screenshot 1

  • kid
    kid over 8 years
    thank you very much for pointing that out. Sorry for my noobness, very new to android.
  • kid
    kid over 8 years
    Thank you for your answer. It looks interesting, sure i will try it later.
  • Ezequiel Adrian
    Ezequiel Adrian over 3 years
    Although picasso is great, i suggest to just use volley for everything, stringrequest, jsonrequest, imagerequest. So you can benefit from lower app weight by using less libraries.