Android webview html5 video autoplay not working on android 4.0.3


Solution 1

[upgraded to answer per request]

Autoplay on most mobile platforms (Android, iOS) gets blocked to avoid poor user experiences - video should only play following a user action. You can usually work around it by triggering the play() on another event (eg the onloaded event)

Solution 2

Auto-play is disabled since Android SDK 17, but you can set setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture to false to re-enable auto-play. Don't forget to check the SDK version because there is not such function in earlier versions.

    int SDK_INT = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
    if (SDK_INT > 16) {

Solution 3

For Android 4.0.x, try triggering the event : loadstart

var vid=document.getElementById('video');
vid.addEventListener("loadstart", showVideo, false);
function showVideo(e) {;
Kioko Kiaza
Author by

Kioko Kiaza

I´m from Japan but i live in the Basque Country since 3 years far now... i work like software developer in a friends young company

Updated on October 17, 2020


  • Kioko Kiaza
    Kioko Kiaza over 3 years

    I have developed an application where the user can set videos on a web page: - They can specify a Youtube URL OR - They can upload a video

    Depending on which option the user chooses i render a video page like this : If a video is from youtube:

    <iframe type="text/html" width="640" height="385" src=""  frameborder="0"></iframe>

    If the video is being uploaded:

    <video id="video" style="cursor: pointer;" width="640" height="480"  autoplay controls loop>
      <source src="../video/Tareas_Diarias_Resumen.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

    OK. All this works perfect on Google Chrome, but the fact is that the video is going to be watched on 16 Samsung GT-P5100 Android 4.03 Tablets.

    We created an Android application which embeds an webView like that:

    WebView engine = (WebView) findViewById(;
    engine.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());

    And here I have two issues: 1- Youtube video. It works ok, I can see the video but with no autoplay, and we want it to work with autoplay. Any solution? 2- The uploaded video does not work, I can see the player but no video.

    The video was converted with handbrake, choosing iphone & ipod-touch preset and "Web Optimized" option.

    Any help or clue? Thanks in advance

  • Someone Somewhere
    Someone Somewhere over 10 years
    I agree. For Android < 4.2.2 it seems that the last DOM event you get is 'loadeddata'. You likely won't get "canplaythrough". To autoplay, you then use javascript var myvideo = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];; For Android 4.2.2+ all you need in your native code is WebView.getSettings().setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(fa‌​lse);
  • Bagusflyer
    Bagusflyer about 9 years
    doesn't work for me. What's wrong? I'm testing in Android 5.0