Angular 2 Material Input change placeholder dynamically


Solution 1

you can change your input placeholder dynamically like this

<md-input-container class="demo-full-width">
                <input mdInput [(ngModel)]="firstname" placeholder="{{somePlaceholder}}" name="firstname" required>
                <md-error>This field is required</md-error>


somePlaceholder : string = "new value";

now you can change somePlaceholder value any where in the class.

Solution 2

We can do that using property binding.

In the HTML, use square brackets:

<input formControlName="events" type="text" [placeholder]="newPlaceHolder">

In your typescript file, define the property:

newPlaceHolder: string = "original place holder";

Then, change the property value:

newPlaceHolder= "my new place holder";
Author by


Updated on January 02, 2022


  • maidi
    maidi over 2 years

    I want to change the text of the input placeholder dynamically. The console.log already gives the updated string but the interface doesn't update so there stays the old placeholder. How can I get the Interface to recognize the change?

    document.getElementById(this.implicKey).setAttribute('placeholder', options[i].implication);
  • Ε Г И І И О
    Ε Г И І И О almost 4 years
    I added this function setPlaceholder(value: string) { this.somePlaceholder = value; } and passed it as a closure to my service so I can set the placeholder when data arrives. But it says this is undefined. What am I doing wrong? The service's subscribe happens inside the service class itself and I invoke the closure method onSuccess.