Angular 2: Using pipes with ngModel


[(ngModel)] is a short hand for [ngModel] and (ngModelChange). If you separate them it should work (it works for sure with the async pipe):

[ngModel]="Amount | number: '1.2-2'" (ngModelChange)="updateAmount($event)"
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I'm a software engineer with over 5 years of experience. For close to 3 years at IBM, I have worked primarily with technologies like React, Redux, and GraphQL. I also have 5 years of Angular experience from my previous job and from creating an app called Famulus in my free time. Famulus is an online appointment scheduler that sends custom, automated appointment reminders. It is built with Angular, RxJS, NgRx, and Firebase. I have also implemented automated tests with an E2E testing framework called Cypress. Building Famulus has been an incredible learning experience that has allowed me to develop skills that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to work on otherwise. It has allowed me to think about the business aspect from all angles and forced me to think even more deeply about UX decisions and how they affect the user. It has reinforced the importance of writing clean, maintainable code and how much time it can save in the long run. It has also allowed me to dig deeper into performance and SEO enhancements. Ultimately, it has made me a better and more well-rounded developer.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Bryan
    Bryan almost 2 years

    I was using JQuery inputmask in one of my forms along with [(ngModel)], but for some reason they won't work together. Using either one by itself works perfectly fine, but combining the two completely breaks [(ngModel)] and new inputs don't get sent back to the component. After struggling with this for a while I figured using Angular 2's pipes would be a good solution, however I can't figure out how to get those two to work together either.

    Here is some code I am using for testing my pipe

    <input [(ngModel)]="Amount" id="Amount" name="Amount" class="form-control" type="number" autocomplete="off">
    <p>Amount: {{Amount | number:'1.2-2'}}</p>

    If I type in 12345, the <p> tag below will show 12,345.00, which is exactly how I want it to filter, but I don't want to have the filtered amount below the input, I want the input itself to display 12,345.00. Adding that same pipe to the ngModel like this: [(ngModel)]="Amount | number:'1.2-2'" gives me the following error.

    Parser Error: Cannot have a pipe in an action expression at column 10 in [Amount | number:'1.2-2'=$event]

    How can I use pipes (or input masks) inside an input with [(ngModel)]?

  • Bryan
    Bryan over 7 years
    I see, that worked great, although now I'm having an issue with the cursor position, but I should probably post a new question for that.
  • Meir
    Meir over 7 years
    But where is the error itself? What's the stack? Does it get to your update handler?
  • Bazinga
    Bazinga over 7 years
    The error is throwing in the decimal pipe when the value is empty: Invalid argument '' for pipe 'DecimalPipe' and it's happening on the handler when the input value is empty. I think it's Angular bug for not protecting empty values.
  • Meir
    Meir over 7 years
    so you can add to your Amount a .startWith('')