Angular 5 Set selected value of HTML Select Element


You can select an item of the dropdown list by setting the value of property.manager. Assuming that selectedName is the name of the Manager item that you want to select, you can do this:

// Case sensitive = this.managers.find(m => === this.selectedName);

// Case insensitive
let selectedNameUp = this.selectedName.toUpperCase(); = this.managers.find(m => === selectedNameUp);

Here are the relevant parts of the markup and code. See this stackblitz for a demo.


<select name="manager" [(ngModel)]="property.manager" class="form-control" required>
  <option disabled [ngValue]="undefined">Select Manager</option>
  <option *ngFor="let manager of managers" [ngValue]="manager">{{}}</option>
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="selectedName" (ngModelChange)="onNameChange($event)">


selectedName: string;

property = {
  ref_no: '',
  address: '',
  manager: undefined

managers = [
  { "company": "Test Company", "name": "John Doe", "id": "3oE37Fo2QxGHw52W7UHI" }, 
  { "company": "Another Company", "name": "John Brown", "id": "LRF8xAi48rRuWu0KZex3" }, 
  { "company": "XYZ", "name": "Subhan Ahmed", "id": "TqOQHbdwJdwgwD8Oej8v" }

onNameChange($event) {
  let selectedNameUp = this.selectedName.toUpperCase(); = this.managers.find(m => === selectedNameUp);
Author by


Updated on May 12, 2020


  • Subhan
    Subhan about 4 years

    Here is what I'm trying to do:

    <select name="manager" id="manager" [(ngModel)]="property.manager" class="form-control" (change)="onChangeManager($event)" required>
      <option disabled value="">Select Manager</option>
      <option *ngFor="let manager of managers" [ngValue]="manager" [selected]="manager?.name === 'Subhan Ahmed'">

    What I need is when the view is initialised, I need to set the value of the select where manager?.name == (which is loaded from db on on another event). I've tried to place a default text Subhan Ahmed to select the default value but its not working.

    Managers are loaded at the start, I load them from Firestore and assign them to a variable managers: Observable<Manager>; during subscribe(), while property.manageris loaded after another input's change event.

    Am i missing something?

  • Subhan
    Subhan about 6 years
    Yes It does have an ID generated by Firestore which I snapshot along with the data.
  • Subhan
    Subhan about 6 years Have a look at this scenario. Type a name in input and hit tab. The select box should show you the selected value.
  • Subhan
    Subhan about 6 years… Have a look now.
  • ConnorsFan
    ConnorsFan about 6 years
    I updated my answer, and included the stackblitz adapted from yours.
  • Subhan
    Subhan about 6 years
    No, In my scenario, its not working. I'll update the stackblitz with more code. I'm just missing something I recon. Your answer was really helpful by the way. I'll accept it as an answer as I get things working so that others can use a correct answer for future references. Thanks
  • Subhan
    Subhan about 6 years
    Your solution works. It was some issue with how I implemented it in my scenario. Thanks you.