Angular 7 and angular material how to get the selected option text of mat-select instead of its value


Solution 1

Updated the code, and added click event on the options

Added one function


Added click event in view

<mat-option *ngFor="let familyRelation of familyRelationArray;" [value]="familyRelation.family_relation_id" (click)="getInnerText(familyRelation.family_relation_type)">

Solution 2

Sorry for being late to the party. I'm really horrified of reading all answers above...

The solution is much easier and direct than any of the proposed answers, as the select component just passes the selected model as part of the selectionChange argument.

But first, some corrections to your example. You've declared an interface, so USE IT:

export interface FamilyRelation {
    id: number;
    type: string;

So, in your constructor:

 constructor() {
      id: 1,
      type: 'Parent'
      id: 2,
      type: 'Sister'

and not what you put in your StackBlitz... Then your view will become this:

<mat-select (selectionChange)="onChange($event)" id="family_relation" placeholder="Family Relation">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let familyRelation of familyRelationArray;" [value]="">

No need for the (click) handler for every mat-option, since it isn't necessary and could lead to performance issues if you have a lot of options. Now, on the controller:

onChange(ev: any) {
   let optionText = ev.source.selected.viewValue;

or, if you prefer, the typed variant:

onChange(ev: MatSelectChange) {
   let optionText = (ev.source.selected as MatOption).viewValue;  //use .value if you want to get the key of Option

but don't forget the imports...

import { MatSelectChange } from '@angular/material/select';
import { MatOption } from '@angular/material/core';

Solution 3

You can add index to loop with mat-option then pass it to onChange() method and it will allow you to get the selected element from array.

<mat-select #familyRelation (selectionChange)="onChange($event.value, element, i, 'hh')" id="family_relation" placeholder="Family Relation">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let familyRelation of familyRelationArray; let i=index" [value]="i">


 onChange(index, data, i, type) {

Here you have update code: link

Solution 4

Use the compareWith

 <mat-select #familyRelation [compareWith]="compareFn" id="family_relation"  formControlName="fr" placeholder="Family Relation">
      <mat-option *ngFor="let familyRelation of familyRelationArray;" [value]="familyRelation.family_relation_id">

compareFn(data1 , data2){


compareWith listen to the 'change' event because 'input' events aren't fired for selects in Firefox. DOC.

Solution 5

Although it is a bit late, but answers have inspired me a bit, here is an idea:

export interface IFamilyGroup{
    id: number;
    name: string;
    address: string;

familyGroup: IFamilyGroup[];

getSelectOption( family: IFamilyGroup ): void {

<mat-select (selectionChange)="getSelectOption( familyGroup[$event.value] )">
    *ngFor="let family of familyGroup; let i = index"
        {{ }}

The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot use formControlName, because mat-option uses index as value, so if you want to match formgroup, you can change it to this:

// this is formgroup data model
export interface IFamilyGroup{
    id: number;
    name: string;
    address: string;

export interface IFormGroupDataForm{
    family: FormControl;
    whatever1?: FormControl;
    whatever2?: FormControl;

dataForm: FormGroup;
family = new FormControl();

familyGroup: IFamilyGroup[];

    private formBuilder: FormBuilder
  ) { }

ngOnInit(): void {

private initFormGroup() {
    dataForm = this.fromFormGroupModel({
      // any you need...

private fromFormGroupModel( model: IFormGroupDataForm ): FormGroup {

getSelectOption( family: IFamilyGroup ): void {; // set family data object be value

<div [formGroup]="dataForm">
    <mat-select (selectionChange)="getSelectOption( familyGroup[$event.value] )">
        *ngFor="let family of familyGroup; let i = index"
            {{ }}


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Updated on November 01, 2021


  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 2 years

    I need to get the selected text of material drop down list <mat-select> instead of its value:

    <ng-container matColumnDef="fr">
            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> Family Rel. </th>
            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element; let i = index;">
              <div [formGroupName]="i">
                <mat-form-field color="warn" appearance="outline">
                  <mat-label>Family Relation</mat-label>
                  <mat-select #familyRelation (selectionChange)="onChange(element, i, 'hh')" id="family_relation"
                    formControlName="fr" placeholder="Family Relation">
                    <mat-option *ngFor="let familyRelation of familyRelationArray;" [value]="familyRelation.family_relation_id">

    And here is how I am trying to do:

    @ViewChild('familyRelation') familyRel: ElementRef;

    And on change selection of the drop list:

    onChange(data, i, type) {
        let c = this.familyRel.nativeElement.innerText;

    I had the following error:

    ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerText' of undefined at

    And when I remove innerText, the consoled value is:


    What I need as you can see in the stackblitz, if I chosed Parent, I want to get Parent into a variable and not 1 which is its id.

    Please note that element, i and hh in (selectionChange)=onChange(element,...) are used later in the function, so forget about it now.

  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    Are you sure ? It gave me innerText does not exists error even on stackblitz
  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    It worked. Is it a long time solution or just temporary ?
  • Rohit.007
    Rohit.007 over 5 years
    Have you checked on this link‌​file=app/app.compone‌​nt.ts
  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    Look what is happening. This drop list is a form control array. When I change the selected option, it gave me the old selected option.
  • Rohit.007
    Rohit.007 over 5 years
    If I'm checking on the link, and changing the values, I'm getting the exact value in the console which is selected by me
  • Rohit.007
    Rohit.007 over 5 years
    You must be checking jkubm answer. the both issue exists in that link
  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    Wait. I updated the stackblitz, check it:
  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    It worked but check the link, it is reading the previous value when getData() is fired:
  • Rohit.007
    Rohit.007 over 5 years
    Okay, as you are checking in the onChange method of mat. Actually, the onChange runs before the onClick of option thats why you are getting the previous value. Do you still need onchage of mat-select?
  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    Yes. As I want to run getData(). If both can be run through onClick it is okay with that, but how to do it ?
  • Rohit.007
    Rohit.007 over 5 years
    you can do any stuff in getInnerText() method, which you were doing in onChange.…
  • alim1990
    alim1990 over 5 years
    It will work on all drop down lists ? because I have a form array of this drop list for each user? let me try it.
  • MegaCasper
    MegaCasper about 5 years
    As far as I can see in your example, the mat-option index is not accessible on mat-select level.
  • Rin and Len
    Rin and Len over 4 years
    This should be the accepted anwer. Includes typings, also the simplest answer I have seen of a lot of answers. One minor improvement, you can simplify the import statements into just 1: import {MatSelectChange, MatOption} from '@angular/material';