Angular filter with minimum and maximum values


Solution 1

Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint exactly the problem you're having with your code. However, I think I have created a plnkr that (I believe) works as intended.

Apart from parsing the inputs with parseFloat, the logic seems to be the same. Not parsing the inputs to a numeric form shouldn't "break" it, but will possibly make it behave strangely ("9" > "10" for example).

Anyway, hopefully you can pull out the useful pieces and get it working.

Solution 2

To ensure the model values are numbers and not strings, change the type for your inputs to be number.

<input type="number" ng-model="minHorsepower" />
<input type="number" ng-model="maxHorsepower" />

Also, make sure your model values are numbers and not strings.

Alternatively, you can run everything through parseFloat(...) in your filter.

Solution 3

Since you only send to the filter a function, it doesn't know to watch for any value changes, and thus to trigger the filter function when it happens.

When you define a filter as {{ filter_expression | filter : filterValue}}, angular watches the filterValue and triggers the filter function when it changes.

To achieve what you need you can define your own filter:

  .filter('range', function(){
    return function(items, property, min, max) {
      return items.filter(function(item){
        return item[property] >= min && item[property] <= max;

and call it like this:

ng-repeat="plane in planes | range : 'horsepower' : minHorsepower : maxHorsepower"
Andrew Samuelsen
Author by

Andrew Samuelsen

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Andrew Samuelsen
    Andrew Samuelsen almost 2 years

    I'm having some trouble getting angular to properly filter my results. I'm attempting to use a custom filter that gets arguments from a minimum input and a maximum input.


    <input ng-model="minHorsepower">
    <input ng-model="maxHorsepower">
    tr(ng-repeat="plane in planes | filter:horsepowerFilter")


    //Horsepower filter
    $scope.horsepowerFilter = function(plane) {
      var ret = true;
      if($scope.minHorsepower && $scope.minHorsepower > plane.horsepower) {
        ret = false;
      if($scope.maxHorsepower && $scope.maxHorsepower < plane.horsepower) {
        ret = false;
      return ret;
    $scope.planes = [
          'make' : 'Piper',
          'model' : 'Arrow',
          'modelNumber' : 'PA-28R-180',
          'horsepower' : '180',
          'gear' : 'retractable',
          'make' : 'Piper',
          'model' : 'Arrow',
          'modelNumber' : 'PA-28R-200',
          'horsepower' : '200',
          'gear' : 'retractable',

    It works INITIALLY when I set $scope.minHorsepower/$scope.maxHorsepower in controllers.js, but only initially, not when I put something else in the <input>s. Furthermore, it prefills the inputs AND filters the results. It just doesn't work properly when I change the value of the inputs.

    I've referenced this Stack Overflow thread, but I can't find any material differences in our code... AngularJS multiple filter with custom filter function

    Thanks for the help.