angular material 2 table header center alignment


Solution 1

Update for Angular Material 5.x.x, no need for ng-deep:

  mat-header-cell {


md-header-cell get 'translated' to a container with class="mat-sort-header-container". Using that, you set its style with ng-deep. Use flexbox to center its content. Put the following in the components stylesheet:

::ng-deep .mat-sort-header-container {


Solution 2

The accepted answer is correct. However, ::ng-deep is depreciated and maybe dropped in future (official documentation).

The shadow-piercing descendant combinator is deprecated and support is being removed from major browsers and tools. As such we plan to drop support in Angular (for all 3 of /deep/, >>> and ::ng-deep). Until then ::ng-deep should be preferred for a broader compatibility with the tools.

The proper way is to use ViewEncapsulation. In your component.ts, add the following:

import { ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';

    encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

and override the class in your component.css file:

.mat-sort-header-container {

Solution 3

.mat-header-cell {    text-align: center;    }

Solution 4

If you don't want all header cells to align-center you can combine two classes:

.mat-header-cell.text-center { text-align: center; }

Then on the html:

<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef class="text-center">Actions</th>

Solution 5

I think the given solutions to the problem are too strict in their approach, i had a similar issue where i needed to change some css properties of mat-sort-header-container , but dynamically.

I did something like Vega's answer but minutely different on how styles are taken :

::ng-deep .mat-sort-header-container{
    justify-content: inherit;
    /* other inheritable properties */

which opens some properties for its parent to style mat-header-cell which is in your html code so whatever style you provide in mat-header-cell and in the ng-deep which is inheriting from its parent then only those styles and none other than that would go down that hierarchy .

Author by


Updated on January 06, 2021


  • Yong
    Yong over 3 years

    If md-sort-header is added into md-header-cell in md-table, it is always left-alignment. How to center-align header cells, such "name"?

    <md-header-cell *cdkHeaderCellDef md-sort-header style="text-align:center"> 


  • Vega
    Vega almost 7 years
    :ng-deep is not depricated! it's /deep/ only. encapsulation may affect other classes
  • Faisal
    Faisal almost 7 years
    Please read the documentation: The shadow-piercing descendant combinator is deprecated and support is being removed from major browsers and tools. As such we plan to drop support in Angular (for all 3 of /deep/, >>> and ::ng-deep).
  • Faisal
    Faisal almost 7 years
    @Vega , I am not saying that your answer doesn't work, the OP may face an issue in future once ::ng-deep is dropped completely.
  • Deniss M.
    Deniss M. over 6 years
    Thanks for the solution! I wanted to add that if you want to center only one table header, then you can create your own custom class with name like mat-sort-header-container-centered with the outlined above css and assign it to your cell like this <md-header-cell *cdkHeaderCellDef md-sort-header class="mat-sort-header-container-centered">
  • Faisal
    Faisal over 6 years
    @DenissM. yes exactly :) I do the same and avoid using ::ng-deep.
  • Vedha Peri
    Vedha Peri over 5 years
    Works great. Thank you!
  • Debadatta
    Debadatta about 5 years
    ::ng-deep is easier to use, and is it really depreciated?
  • Alberto Chiesa
    Alberto Chiesa over 4 years
    I think ::ng-deep is going to stay deprecated forever, and when it will be dropped an alternative will be provided. Until then, it's going to stay. It's been deprecated 3 versions ago and still going strong.
  • dmoore1181
    dmoore1181 over 3 years
    Thank you for this answer, I did have to use the ng-deep example with Angular 7 though.
  • Dane Brouwer
    Dane Brouwer about 3 years
    Avoid using ViewEncapsulation.None at all costs unless you know exactly what you're doing.