Angular ng-options remove blank option and select the first option only


Do this :)

In your controller :

 function myCtrl ($scope) {
   $scope.userProfiles = [
     {id: 10, name: 'Carton'},
     {id: 27, name: 'Bernard'},
     {id: 39, name: 'Julie'},

   $scope.selectedUserProfile= $scope.userProfiles[0]; // Set by default the   value "carton"

In your page :

      <select  id="requestorSite" ng-model="selectedUserProfile" ng-options="userProfile as for userProfile in userProfiles">



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Ankit Tanna
Author by

Ankit Tanna

Working currently at Zensar. Previously worked at HSBC an

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Ankit Tanna
    Ankit Tanna about 2 years

    I am using AngularJS to populate my select options content dynamically from an array of objects in my controller. My objects has a property named userProfileName.

    How would it be possible to remove the blank option that I am getting at the top?

    Also, I would want to select the first profile Profile 1 by default. How can this be done?

    My Snippet of code is here:

    <select id="requestorSite" 
                                 ng-options="userProfile.userProfileName for userProfile in userProfiles"
                                 class="form-control displayInlineBlock width40per marginLeft15">

    My controller has


    As the array of object and each object has userProfileName attribute.

    Below is the screen shot: enter image description here

    I would like to remove the blank option at the top and also have by default Profile 1 selected.

    Thanks, Ankit

  • Ankit Tanna
    Ankit Tanna about 9 years
    Now I am looking for blank options problem
  • carton
    carton about 9 years
    Blank options problem ? This code put value in the select but he also put a default value, so the blank problems would be solved. Show us your code please.
  • Ankit Tanna
    Ankit Tanna about 9 years
    Its written on the top... pick your same example... you will also get blank option.
  • carton
    carton about 9 years
    If you put ng-model="myModel", this line remove the blank option : $scope.myModel= $scope.userProfiles[0];
  • Ankit Tanna
    Ankit Tanna about 9 years
    I did the same thing. $scope.selectedUserProfile = $scope.userProfiles[0].userProfileName; Still Not Working.
  • carton
    carton about 9 years
    Have a look to litle codepen, you will understand :
  • Ankit Tanna
    Ankit Tanna about 9 years
    You Rock buddy @carton Thanks... This Worked.