Angular tests failing with Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest'


Solution 1

This is a problem of the new Angular Cli. Run your test with --sourcemaps=false and you will get the right error messages.

See details here:


Shorthand for this is:

ng test -sm=false

As of angular 6 the command is:

ng test --source-map=false

Solution 2

I had the same issue using angualar cli 6, I have used this tag to get the right error message :

ng test --source-map=false

Maybe it will help someone :) .

Solution 3

For my case there was a mock data problem and in case of Array, I was returning string from the mock.

someApi = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(SomeApi);
spyOn(someApi, 'someMethod')
  .and.returnValue(Observable.of('this is not a string but array'));

The error message is really distracting and was not telling the actual error. Running ng test --source=false pointed the correct error and line, and helped me to fix it quickly.

Many time it happens when you mock data is incomplete or incorrect.

Solution 4

You can either set input() property to default value in component.ts

@Input() tableColumns: Array<any> = [];  
@Input() pageObj: any = '';


Modify your component.spec.ts file in following way,

beforeEach(() => {  
   fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);  
   component = fixture.componentInstance;  
   component.tableColumns = [];  
   component.pageObj = '';  

Solution 5

As suggested above here: my problem was in my ngOnInit. I was calling a mock swagger-generated REST controller proxy. It was returning null, and I was subscribing to that null, which doesn't work...

The error came back:

Failed to load ng:///DynamicTestModule/MockNodeDashboardComponent_Host.ngfactory.js: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https.

I fixed the issue using ts-mockito:

I added code to create a mock instance like this:

import { mock, instance, when } from 'ts-mockito';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Observer } from 'rxjs/Observer';
import { MockScenario } from './vcmts-api-client/model/MockScenario';

const MockVcmtsnodemockresourceApi: VcmtsnodemockresourceApi = mock(VcmtsnodemockresourceApi);
const obs = Observable.create((observer: Observer<MockScenario[]>) => { Array<MockScenario>());
const instanceMockVcmtsnodemockresourceApi: VcmtsnodemockresourceApi = instance(MockVcmtsnodemockresourceApi);

And then added the instance to the test's providers array like this:

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      providers: [
        { provide: VcmtsnodemockresourceApi, useValue: instanceMockVcmtsnodemockresourceApi },

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George Edwards
Author by

George Edwards

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • George Edwards
    George Edwards almost 2 years

    I am trying to test my angular 4.1.0 component -

    export class CellComponent implements OnInit {
      lines: Observable<Array<ILine>>;
      @Input() dep: string;
      @Input() embedded: boolean;
      @Input() dashboard: boolean;
        public dataService: CellService,
        private route: ActivatedRoute,
        private router: Router, private store: Store<AppStore>) {

    However, a simple "should create" test throws this cryptic error...

    NetworkError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load 'ng:///DynamicTestModule/module.ngfactory.js'.

    so I found this question, which suggests that the issue is the component has @Input)_ params which aren't set, however, if I modify my test like so:

      it('should create', inject([CellComponent], (cmp: CellComponent) => {
        cmp.dep = '';
        cmp.embedded = false;
        cmp.dashboard = false;

    then I still get the same issue, similarly, if I remove the @Input() annotations from the component, still no difference. How can I get these tests to pass?

    • Aleksandr Petrovskij
      Aleksandr Petrovskij almost 7 years
      In order to create component, you need to provide all dependencies. Can you show all your test setup? I will try to reproduce the problem on plnkr
    • Niles Tanner
      Niles Tanner almost 7 years
      I had this same issue and found the same posts that you did. I was able to find a solution. I ended up posting on the other question but you can take a look here: Hope it helps!
    • titusfx
      titusfx over 6 years
  • Anton Balaniuc
    Anton Balaniuc over 6 years
    If you have a new question, please ask it by clicking the Ask Question button. Include a link to this question if it helps provide context. - From Review
  • Alan Smith
    Alan Smith over 6 years
    You absolute hero. I was banging my head against the wall in frustration with the lack of info from Angular unit test error messages, until I found this. Much obliged.
  • Datum Geek
    Datum Geek over 6 years
    seemed like my symptom was the same as the OP, so i thought folks might find useful the fix that worked for me...
  • user1806692
    user1806692 about 6 years
    This answer really saved my day! I was close to giving up on development in general after spending whole day and night trying to fix this just so I could stop being the person failing the build
  • peng
    peng about 6 years
    Today i came across this error message: HeadlessChrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4) ERROR { "message": "Script error.\nat :0:0", "str": "Script error.\nat :0:0" } And removing --sourcemap=false shows more information.
  • danday74
    danday74 almost 6 years
    ng test --source-map=false ... works in Angular CLI 6
  • Brad Richardson
    Brad Richardson almost 6 years
    @danday74 FTW! After writing complicated test files, getting hung up on this is brutal.
  • Amir Khademi
    Amir Khademi almost 6 years
    doesn't work in angular cli 6.0.8 instead, use ng test --source-map=false
  • philip yoo
    philip yoo over 3 years
    ng test --sourceMap=false ... works in angular cli v9.1.12