Angularjs Dropdown OnChange Selected Text and Value


Solution 1

That's because, your model itemSelected captures the current value of your select drop down which is nothing but the value attribute of your option element. You have

<option ng-repeat="category in categories" value="{{}}">

in your code, so in the rendered version, you'll get

<option ng-repeat="category in categories" value="0">

but you're expecting itemSelected to be your category object and any attempt to query id or other property will return undefined.

You can use ng-options with group by with little bit of change to your data or you can use normal ng-repeat, get the selectedIndex and lookup the category object from your categories list using that index. Showcasing the first approach here.


<select name="category-group" id="categoryGroup" 
        ng-model="itemSelected" ng-change="onCategoryChange(itemSelected)" 
        ng-options=" group by for category in categories">

Updated Data

$scope.categories = [
       { id: 0, name: "Select a category..."},
       { id: 1, name: "Cars", group : "- Vehicles -" },
       { id: 2, name: "Commercial vehicles", group : "- Vehicles -" },
       { id: 3, name: "Motorcycles", group : "- Vehicles -" }

 $scope.itemSelected = $scope.categories[0];

Instead of disabled property, you can add a group property which can be used in group by.

Here' an updated Fiddle to illustrate the idea.

Solution 2

You should use ng-options to set object to your ng-model value on change of you select options.


<select name="category-group" id="categoryGroup" class="form-control" 
  ng-model="itemSelected" ng-change="onCategoryChange(itemSelected)" 
  ng-options=" for category in categories">
    <option value="0">Select a category...</option>

Fiddle Here


For persisting style you have to use ng-repeat there, in that case you will only have id binded to your ng-model and while retrieving whole object you need to filter your data.

$scope.onCategoryChange = function () {
    var currentSelected = $filter('filter')($scope.categories, {id: $scope.itemSelected})[0]
    $window.alert("Selected Value: " + + "\nSelected Text: " +;

Updated Fiddle

Solution 3

<div ng-app="SelectApp">
    <div ng-controller="selectController">
    <select ng-change='onCategoryChange()' ng-model="itemSelected" ng-options=" for category in categories">
        <option value="">-- category --</option>


Solution 4

A little change in your onCategoryChange() should work:

$scope.onCategoryChange = function () {
        $window.alert("Selected Value: " + $scope.categories[$scope.itemSelected - 1].id + "\nSelected Text: " + $scope.categories[$scope.itemSelected -1].name);



Solution 5

ngChange only returns the value of your selected option and that's why you don't get the whole data.

Here's a working solution without changing your markup logic.



ngChange handler:

 $scope.onCategoryChange = function (id) {
        //get selected item data from categories
        var selectedIndex = $ { return; }).indexOf( parseInt(id) );
        var itemSelected = $scope.categories[selectedIndex];

        $window.alert("Selected Value: " + + "\nSelected Text: " +;


Another solution (little bit dirty) would be to change only the value of your options into something like this:

<option .... value="{{}}|{{}}">

...and inside your actual ngChange handler, just split the value to get all the values as an array:

$scope.onCategoryChange = function (itemSelected) {
    $scope.itemSelected = itemSelected.split('|'); //string value to array
    $window.alert("Selected Value: " + $scope.itemSelected[0] + "\nSelected Text: " + $scope.itemSelected[1]);

Usman Khalid
Author by

Usman Khalid

My name is Usman Khalid. I did Masters in Computer Science in 2009 and since then I have been working as a Software Engineer using technologies like ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, JavaScript, JQuery, SQL Server, MySQL etc. I like to know more and more about new things and I like to search for new questions and then find answers for those questions.

Updated on September 30, 2020


  • Usman Khalid
    Usman Khalid over 3 years

    I am new to AngularJS and trying to get Selected Text and Value from Dropdown. I followed a lot of tutorials with still unable to get there. SelectedValue and SelectedText are always undefined. Below is my code:


    <div ng-app="SelectApp">
    <div ng-controller="selectController">
        <select name="category-group" id="categoryGroup" class="form-control" ng-model="itemSelected" ng-change="onCategoryChange(itemSelected)">
            <option value="0">Select a category...</option>
            <option ng-repeat="category in categories" value="{{}}"
                 ng-disabled="category.disabled" ng-class="{'mainCategory' : category.disabled}">


    'use strict';
    var app = angular.module('SelectApp', [ ]);
    app.controller('selectController', ['$scope', '$window', function ($scope, $window) {
    $scope.categories = [       
       { id: 1, name: "- Vehicles -", disabled: true },
       { id: 2, name: "Cars" },
       { id: 3, name: "Commercial vehicles", disabled: false },
       { id: 4, name: "Motorcycles", disabled: false },
       { id: 5, name: "Car & Motorcycle Equipment", disabled: false },
       { id: 6, name: "Boats", disabled: false },
       { id: 7, name: "Other Vehicles", disabled: false },
       { id: 8, name: "- House and Children -", disabled: true },
       { id: 9, name: "Appliances", disabled: false },
       { id: 10, name: "Inside", disabled: false },
       { id: 11, name: "Games and Clothing", disabled: false },
       { id: 12, name: "Garden", disabled: false }
    $scope.onCategoryChange = function () {
        $window.alert("Selected Value: " + $ + "\nSelected Text: " + $;

    And one more thing, I have defined my first item as Select a category... then Why first item in Dropdown is always empty.

    Below is my fiddle sample.

  • Usman Khalid
    Usman Khalid almost 9 years
    It works but my css logic is gone. If you see my sample. - Vehicles - and - House and Children - are disabled and using different css.
  • Pankaj Parkar
    Pankaj Parkar almost 9 years
    @UsmanKhalid take a look at updated fiddle..which will work as you want
  • Arkantos
    Arkantos almost 9 years
    This example will keep the group headers using optgroup in select element rendered by group by clause in ng-options. Hope this helps :)
  • Usman Khalid
    Usman Khalid almost 9 years
    Thanks a lot. It is working fine but why dropdown is empty for the first time?
  • Pankaj Parkar
    Pankaj Parkar almost 9 years
    are you crazy to come $scope.categories[$scope.itemSelected] will select a value from categories?
  • Usman Khalid
    Usman Khalid almost 9 years
    that's good solution but why dropdown is empty for the first time.
  • Arkantos
    Arkantos almost 9 years
    That's because we've not set any default value for itemSelected in our controller. Add your default value to your categories list and set that value as shown here
  • Usman Khalid
    Usman Khalid almost 9 years
    Thanks a lot Ankantos. Very good solution and something new to learn. :)
  • Arkantos
    Arkantos almost 9 years
    Glad to be of help :)
  • ArBro
    ArBro almost 9 years
    $scope.itemSelected Will return the value (as a Number) of the selected item in the option list. By passing it to the object You are able to select the n-property of the object and you will have access to the data.
  • Pankaj Parkar
    Pankaj Parkar almost 9 years
    could you please look at your fiddle it is showing wrong value as its considering index of an array
  • ArBro
    ArBro almost 9 years
    Updated the code. It should output the right values now.
  • Pankaj Parkar
    Pankaj Parkar almost 9 years
    No dude that could harm..if suppose you have skipped one/two element id and then took third one..then $scope.itemSelected - 1 will won't work..