AngularJS open modal from controller


Solution 1

I would strongly suggest you write a separate controller for you modal. That will greatly help you to maintain your code later.

If I understand correctly (from your tags) you use an this one: From your main controller, open the modal:

var modalInstance = ${
      animation: $scope.animationsEnabled,
      templateUrl: 'myModalContent.html',
      controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',
      size: size,
      resolve: {
        items: function () {
          return $scope.items;

note the resolve function, you can pass extra parameters like this to modal controller.

In modal controller:

angular.module('your.awesomeApp').controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', function ($scope, $modalInstance, items) {

note the third parameter, it will be values, that you have passed.

Solution 2

You can use ui.bootstrap's components which include a modal. You won't have to use a separate controller.

Author by


I am python developer around 4 years of development experience including js, angular, python. Worked in areas like networking, IoT, finance.

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Shital
    Shital almost 2 years

    I am new to angularjs, and writing an application where a template(inventory.html) containing grid is opened with , it has a validate button at bottom of grid, which calls validate() to validate selected grid rows, before that i need a modal to popup and take user name as input and then process further.

    my validate function is inside controller of template(i.e. inventory.html) . I have a app.js which contains routing info and controller.js which contains controllers for all templates.

    My question is, if there is any way that I can open modal from validate(), take user input and proceed further without writing separate controller for modal. (I have a separate userinput.html for modal.)

    (Sorry If my question is not clear. Plz help I am stuck with this and have tried many options from web)

    // This is my controller

    var app = angular.module('app', []);
    app.controller('InventoryCtrl',['$scope','$location','$http','$modal',function($scope, $location, $http,$modal{console.log("Inside inventory ctrlr");
     // Validate Function for validate button click
     $scope.validate = function() 
            $scope.user = null;
            $ = null;
            // Show modal to take user inputs for environment
            var modalInstance = $
                controller : "inputModalCntrl",
                templateUrl : "../partials/addEnvironment.html",
                resolve: {
                    $callback: function () {
                        return function(param,user,build){
                            /* This function print value(param) dispached in modal controller */
                                        $scope.user = user;
                                        $ = build;
                    $send: function(){
                        return function(){
                            /* This function send param for the modal */
                            return {param1:"Hello Word Main"};
    // This is further process of function
         postdata = {};
         var dlist = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows();
            postdata['dlist'] = dlist;
         $http({ url: "/api/check",  data: postdata, method: "POST" })
        .success(function (response) { alert(response);})
        .error(function () { alert('Error getting data');});

    and this is modal controller

    app.controller("inputModalCntrl", function($scope, $modalInstance, $callback, $send) {
    $scope.init = function(){
        /* This function print value(param) dispached in main controller */
        /* This send data to main controller */
        $callback({param1:"Hello Word Modal", user :user, build : build});