Ansible not found in PATH after installation on Vagrant box


I think you got a misconception here. There is no need to install Ansible inside the Vagrant box. Ansible is agentless. Ansible uses SSH (or other protocols) to connect to other hosts. So there is no need to have Ansible executable inside the host.

You just need to have Ansible installed on the host running vagrant.

If you want to run Ansible inside the Vagrant box (what is IMHO not the way Vagrant and Ansible are supposed to work together) you will need to change the vm.provision step of the Vagrant file as well. As vm.provision "ansible" will look for Ansible executable on the host you run vagrant on you should change to vm.provision "shell" and put the ansible-playbook command inside the shell script, which should look for Ansible executable on the Vagrant box.


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You came here to know more about me? Here you go! I have been moderator on WordPress.StackExchange for several years. You can find me @unserkaiser on Twitter, where I also talk about building @gtmifylab, my current indie side project. Some of my older code bits can be found on GitHub franz-josef-kaiser. If you want to get in touch with me, then go with [email protected]. Please understand, that this isn't an additional support route and I won't answer such requests. Best wishes and keep building! Kaiser.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • kaiser
    kaiser over 1 year

    The Problem

    For a test, I set up a very simple Vagrant file. This is just to test how working with Ansible is. Sadly I am stuck at step number 2 with the following error during vagrant up --provision (which I can repeat on reload):

    The executable 'ansible-playbook' Vagrant is trying to run was not found in the PATH variable. This is an error. Please verify this software is installed and on the path.

    The Debugging Efforts so far

    As the Ubuntu 14 "Trusty" 64bit box comes without Ansible installed, I added a quick shell script to run as provisioner before the actual Ansible playbooks. Here's the Vagrantfile

    Vagrant.require_version ">= 1.7.0"
    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
    = "ubuntu/trusty64"
        config.ssh.insert_key = false
        # Synced folders
        config.vm.synced_folder "./public", "/var/www",
            disabled: false
        # Install Ansible
        config.vm.provision :shell,
            path: "provisioners/shell/"
        # Run Ansible Playbooks
        config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
            ansible.verbose = "vvv"
            ansible.playbook = "provisioners/ansible/playbook.yml"

    The bash script is as simple as this:

    sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt-get -y update
    sudo apt-get install ansible

    To confirm that ansible-playbook and ansible are installed, I vagrant sshed into the box and called which ansible-playbook and which ansible. Both are available:

    $ which ansible
    # /usr/bin/ansible

    Looking at dpkg -L ansible, I find plenty of stuff going on in /etc and /usr/bin. Also python --version gives me Python 2.7.6 while the minimum required version is 2.4.

    The echo $PATH gives the following default output:


    I can confirm, that the user is the correct one: whoami results in vagrant and the last command executed before the error is:

    ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s' 

    I am out of ideas here.

  • kaiser
    kaiser over 8 years
    Why would that not be possible? When look at for e.g. support for Windows, then you anyway need a man-in-the-middle machine to execute commands. Why not use the already existing VM?
  • Henrik Pingel
    Henrik Pingel over 8 years
    Windows support is an exception. That does not change that 'config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|' looks for Ansible executable on the host running vagrant, not the vagrant box.
  • kaiser
    kaiser over 8 years
    Sad as it is: You are right. Seems like for some reason other provisioners do not have to be added to the host machine that is running Vagrant, but for Ansible it is. Thanks for your answer.
  • Henrik Pingel
    Henrik Pingel over 8 years
    I don't know too much about other provisioners but there must be a control machine installed somewhere. Ansible has a push architecture whereas most other provisioners use pull mechanisms. You can use pull mechanism with Ansible as well, but that won't remove the need to install Ansible on the vagrant box.
  • kaiser
    kaiser over 8 years
    With installing Anisble inside the Vagrant box, I have no problem. Will see how far I get with that pointer. Thanks!
  • Henrik Pingel
    Henrik Pingel over 8 years
    You might want to checkout this blog post for a better setup.