Apache mod_proxy: forward secure websocket to non-secure


To get things to work, I also needed to load mod_proxy_wstunnel

Once I did, this ruleset got things working: (in the VirtualHost of the domain that receives and proxies the websocket request)

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    ProxyPass "/_ws_/" "ws://"
    ProxyPassReverse "/_ws_/" "ws://"

The browser can then contact the backend WS server through the HTTPS port:

var ws = new Websocket('wss://example.com/_ws_/');

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • BeetleJuice
    BeetleJuice almost 2 years

    The websocket library I rely on (PHP-Websockets) does not yet support secure sockets (wss). My website is served over https though, so I cannot use insecure ws connections.

    I'm trying to use Apache's mod_proxy to forward the secure request that comes from the browser on to the client.


    var ws = new Websocket('wss://example.com/_ws_/');

    Apache VirtualHosts

    ProxyPass        "/_ws_/" "ws://"
    ProxyPassReverse "/_ws_/" "ws://"
    # I've also tried "/_ws_/" "ws://example.com:8080/"  Same error below

    Upon trying to connect, the browser receives a 500 Server Error. The logs show:

    No protocol handler was valid for the URL /_ws_/. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule.

    I've confirmed that if I remove the proxy rules, stop redirecting users to https and try to connect to insecure sockets from the browser: new Websocket('ws://example.com/'), things work just fine.

    My loaded Apache modules include mod_ssl.c, mod_proxy.c and mod_proxy_http.c

    Apache 2.4

  • Gilles Lesire
    Gilles Lesire over 3 years
    How should this be applied if the socket url is of this format? ws://