Apache Proxy & Basic Auth


This configuration worked for me:

    <Location />
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "LDAP Login"
            AuthBasicProvider ldap
            AuthLDAPBindDN USER@DOMAIN
            AuthLDAPBindPassword PASSWORD
            AuthLDAPURL ldap://IP:PORT/OU=...,DC=...,DC=...,DC=intern?uid?sub
            Require ldap-group CN=...,OU=...,OU=...,OU=...,DC=...,DC=...,DC=intern
            Require valid-user

    ProxyPass               /        http://localhost:8080/ nocanon
    ProxyPassReverse        /        http://localhost:8080/
    ProxyPreserveHost       On

    ProxyRequests           Off
    AllowEncodedSlashes     NoDecode
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"

It seems that the order of the commands is relevant.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • embedded
    embedded almost 2 years

    Im trying to set up an Apache Proxy which also does LDAP Basic Auth:

    <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
        <VirtualHost _default_:443>
                ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html
                ProxyPass               /        http://localhost:8080/ nocanon
                ProxyPassReverse        /        http://localhost:8080/
                ProxyPreserveHost       On
                ProxyRequests           Off
                AllowEncodedSlashes     NoDecode
                RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
                RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"
                <Location />
                        AuthType Basic
                        AuthName "LDAP Login for access"
                        AuthBasicProvider ldap
                        AuthLDAPBindDN USER@DOMAIN
                        AuthLDAPBindPassword PASSWORD
                        AuthLDAPURL ldaps://FQDN:636/CN=..,OU=..?uid?sub
                        Require valid-user

    The ProxyPass is working without the AuthType Basic part, however, if combined, the BasicAuth asks for credentials, and then the server throws an 500 error, without loggin a thing to his error.log

    Am i missing something?